- Exist the behavior regulation 生存行为规律
- They carefully observed the behavior of deer. 他们仔细观察了鹿的生活习性。
- Accordingly, somebody oppugns this lawsuit to existing the behavior that intellectual property obligee abuses its patent rights and advantage position. 因此,有人质疑这场官司存在着知识产权权利人滥用其专有权和优势地位的行为。
- He explained the behavior of the old man within reason. 他从道理上解释了这个老人的行为。
- Our government chastised the behaviors of NATO. 我国政府强烈谴责了北约的行为。
- We are researching into the behavior of gorillas. 我们正在深入研究大猩猩的活动。
- Private schools regulate the behavior of students. 私立学校规范学生行为。
- Optics looks into the behavior of light. 光学期待进入行为轻。
- Discuss the behavior you expect from your child. 和孩子讨论一下你希望他应具有的言谈举止。
- The behavior value system of individual. 个体行为价值系统。
- The birdwatcher observed the behavior of the birds. 那些观鸟者观察鸟的行为。
- Weep over is the behavior which threaten to extort. 哭泣是恐吓勒索的行为。
- Why Failures Existed the Non -Profit Organizations? 非营利组织的失灵及其对策分析?
- Does there exist the blessedness on another side of the star? 再星星的另一端.;是否存在著幸福?
- Meanwhile, there exist the conditions that breed fetishism. 同时,从理论上讲,我国也客观存在着产生拜物教的条件。
- Consume the behavior regulation 消费行为规律
- Objects interact with the behavior. 对象如何与行为进行交互。
- On this land only exist the durable buildings, not deep-rooted culture. 在这片土地上,只有经久不衰的建筑,没有根深蒂固的文化。
- The Behavior type addresses this situation. Behavior类型可解决此问题。
- Does not change the behavior of ALL. 请不要更改ALL的行为。