- Cloning and Expression Characteristics of the Ferritin Gene from Malus domestica Borkh. 苹果铁结合蛋白基因的克隆及表达特性。
- However, so far, studies related to the creasing fruits and expression characteristics of expansin during growth have not been documented. 然而,柑橘成熟过程中出现的皱皮果是否与expansin基因的表达特性有关,目前尚未见报道。
- Expression characteristics of MtPAP1 and its exotic expression in Arabidopsis affecting organic phosphorus absorption of plants[J].J.Plant Physiol.Molecul.Biol.,2006,32(1):99-106. MtPAP1表达特性及异源表达对拟南芥有机态磷吸收的影响[J].;植物生理与分子生物学学报;2006;32(1):99-106
- The flag with "flowers are blooming" as the center carrier and colorful petals creative composition, visual expression characteristics of floral industry. 该标志以“百花争艳”为中心载体,以色彩斑斓的花瓣创作构成,直观的体现花艺行业特征。
- GIS technology as information technology, an important part of a unique spatial data query and analysis capabilities, to express characteristics of the space tourism products. 地理信息技术作为信息技术的重要组成部分,具有独特的空间数据查询和分析功能,能表达旅游产品的空间特性。
- Objective To study the expression characteristics of pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A((PAPA-A)),as a serum inflammatory marker,in ruptured plaques,unstable plaques and stable plaques,in order to explore the role of PAPP-A in plaque rupture. 目的研究妊娠相关血浆蛋白A(PAPP-A)在破裂斑块、不稳定斑块与稳定斑块中的表达、分布特点,探讨其在斑块破裂中的作用。
- The representative of data means the facticity of expressing characteristics of monitoring objects. 数据代表性是指监测结果在表征被监测对象特性时所能达到的真实程度;
- The invention discloses a system for detecting expression characteristic research of a biological reactor of a porcine seminal vesicle. 本发明公开了一种猪精囊腺生物反应器表达特性研究的检测体系。
- The expressive characteristics of LeETR1 mRNA in tomato mutant Epi and its wild type VFN8 have been studied with RNase protect assay(RPA). 采用核酸酶保护分析 (RPA)方法对番茄乙烯过表达单基因突变体Epi和野生型VFN8中LeETR1mRNA的表达特征进行了研究。
- The expressive characteristics of LeETR2 mRNA in tomato mutant Epi and its wild type VFN8 have been studied with RPA technique. 采用RPA方法对番茄乙烯过表达单基因突变体Epi和野生型VFN8中LeETR2 mRNA表达特征的研究表明,在所有被检组织中LeETR2 mRNA均表达。
- To sum up, Taibuqa expressed characteristics of sacrifice lives for the country that chin-shin had possessed such as political capacity and special deportment in the Yuan Dynasty. 就此而言,他彻底地呈现也代表了元代进士背景死节效命官员所具备的政治素养与特殊风格。
- An expression of pain flitted across her face. 她脸上闪过一种痛苦的表情。
- He always shows a doleful expression. 他总是露出忧郁的表情。
- I can think of no greater expression of defeatism. 这是我听到的最悲观的失败主义论调了。
- A constant, variable, function name, or expression. 一种常数、变量、函数名或表达式。
- She looked at me without expression. 她毫无表情地朝我看着。
- Result:The insula B cells of model rats expressed characteristics of apoptosis.The in sula B cells of rats prophylaxised by “xiaoketing” capsule showed proportional distributions and clear nucleolus. 结果:模型组大鼠均有不同程度的胰岛B细胞凋亡阳性表达,而消渴停预防组大鼠胰岛B细胞分布均匀,胞核清楚,内外分泌部界限清楚;
- The scenery there was beautiful beyond expression. 那儿的风景美丽得无法形容。
- He looked at her with a solemn expression. 他表情严肃地望着她。
- There was an expression of discontent on her face. 她脸上有不满的表情。