- Extract of minutes of meeting 会议纪要摘录
- Father usually has someone weighed up within a few minutes of meeting him. 父亲往往在几分钟内就可以对其所见的人作出评价。
- Confirmation of minutes of meeting 确认通过会议纪要
- The club's secretary prepared several transcripts of minutes of the meeting. 注:那个俱乐部的秘书准备了几份会议的笔记抄本。
- The minutes of the last meeting were approved. 上次会议记录已获得通过。
- We read (through) the minutes of the last meeting. 我们(从头到尾)把上次会议记录看了一遍。
- Minutes of meetings are to be issued to the DCs after the meetings. 在会议后须向区议会发出会议纪要。
- This allows me to run a marathon within a couple of minutes of my planned time. 这样我跑下马拉松所需时间基本在我的计划时间范围内。
- I don't want to run the risk of meeting John. 我可不想冒遇见约翰的危险。
- Our opportunities of meeting are short and sweet. 我们的会面是短暂的,但却是愉快的。
- The lowest fan speed is unobtrusive but the fan does get audible at the fast speed but needs a couple of minutes of stressed CPU to trigger it. 风扇在最低速运转时,几乎听不到声音;风扇只有在高速运转时才能听到声音,但这需要CPU先高速运行几分钟。
- I have no recollection of meeting him. 我不记得见过他。
- The poverty of minutes of big county in the past is backward, people is used to relying on the accessorial fare of country and prefectural government. 过去的大分县贫穷落后,人们习惯于靠国家和县政府的补助过活。平松知事推行“一村一品”运动,在县内树立了两个样板。
- The Secretary shall circulate the minutes of meetings and reports of the Committee to all members of the Board. 委员会秘书向董事会全体成员传阅会议记录及报告。
- The paratroops descended on the village and took it in a matter of minutes. 伞兵部队在村庄上空降落,在几分钟时间里就把它攻取下来。
- Extract of Meeting Notes of 18 District Councils 18区区议会会议记录摘录
- The secretary took down the minutes of the meeting. 秘书做了会议记录。
- There were memoranda, minutes of meetings, officialflies, notes of verbal di scussions. 有备忘录,会议记录,官方档案,口头讨论的手记。
- Extracted minutes of meetings of school affairs shall be published in two weeks to keep all members informed. 校务会议记录摘要应在两周内向全体成员公布。
- The minutes of the meeting have to be written up. 会议记录还有待整理成文。