- Extremely fast decompression 极快速减压
- The molecules of a gas are moving about extremely fast in all directions. 气体的分子非常迅速地向四面八方运动着。
- An extremely fast computer controls the air jets. 一台速度极快的计算机负责控制抽干瓶中的空气。
- Despite its bulk and weight, the car is extremely fast. 尽管这辆车大而且重,速度却非常快。
- You can learn Eng extremely fast, but not by the shortcut. 你可以学得很快,但千万不要走捷径。
- Saving to PDF is extremely fast and extremely accurate. 保存为PDF是非常快捷和非常准确。
- Objective To investigate the effect of fast decompression on prostaglandins in cerebral tissue. 目的探讨快速减压对豚鼠脑组织中前列腺素的影响。
- Objective To investigate the relationship of apoptosis of microglia and neuron in adult rats following fast decompression. 目的研究成年大鼠极快速减压致中枢神经损伤后脑组织内小胶质细胞的变化及其与损伤后神经元凋亡的关系。
- Our server has a 99.5% uptime has an extremely fast connection to the net. 作者:佚名文章来源:不详点击数:更新时间:2007-6-9文章录入:网络创业者
- This is an extremely fast and efficient way to allocate storage, second only to registers. 这是一种特别快、特别有效的数据保存方式,仅次于寄存器。
- In the home, FSO could be used together with interior lighting to provide extremely fast internet downloads. 在家里,无线光通信可同室内灯光一起提供极高速度的因特网下载。
- This is an extremely fast and efficient way to allocate storage,second only to registers. 这是一种特别快、特别有效的数据保存方式,仅次于寄存器。
- There are not enough qualified workers to go around, causing rampant poaching and extremely fast wage inflation. 到处都缺少合格的员工,这就导致挖墙脚现象猖獗,工资也急速上涨。
- Encryption and decryption with NTRU algorithms is extremely fast,and key creation is fast and easy. 用NTRU产生的密钥方法比较容易,加密、解密的速度比rsa等算法快得多。
- Encryption and decryption with NTRU are extremely fast and key creation is fast and easy. 用NTRU产生的密钥方法比较容易,加密、解密的速度比rsa等著名算法快得多。
- Characters with extremely fast attack speeds no longer erroneously miss their targets. 修订角色特别快时攻击不到目标的情况。
- The advantage of using atoms is that they always oscillate extremely fast and at exactly the same rate. 使用原子的优点是,它们总是极快而且以完全相同的速度震荡。
- Andy ran thefirst mile of therace extremely fast, but he couldn't maintain thepace, andhad to slow down. 安迪在起跑后的前一英里跑得很快,之后却。
- An extremely fast - moving part of a river,caused by a steep descent in the riverbed.Often used in the plural. 急流,湍滩由于河床倾斜下降而形成的流动极快的河流的一部分,常用复数
- This technique is extremely fast, you may not even need double buffering since the flicker is minimal. 这个技术是非常快速的,你可能都不需要双缓存了,因为闪耀是非常小的。