- Ezekiel Mphahlele 慕帕赫列列(1919-),南非共和国人,小说家、随笔作家。
- Ezekiel in Hebrew means: God is strong. 以西结的意思是:上帝是强壮的。
- Ezekiel 11: Regeneration in terms of a new heart. 结11章:重生的结果,就是获得新的心。
- Ezekiel’s illustration in chapter 15 is a truism. 以西结在十五章中描绘了一幅景象。
- I met Ezekiel Young from Salt Lake city about two years ago. 两年前我认识了盐湖城的杨。
- God told Ezekiel it was where his people that he loved were at. 上帝告诉以西结,那是他喜悦的子民所居地。
- That Ezekiel had to eat and tell his people what was on it. 以西结吃神所赐书卷,并将其中的话告诉以色列人。
- God called Ezekiel as His spokesman to answer that question. 神呼召以西结作祂的代言人回答这个问题。
- If so, the message of the book of Ezekiel is for us today. 你如果有这种困惑,阅读以西结书的信息就最合适不过了。
- Declare the power of scattering is broken as you read Ezekiel 36-37 . 当你读结36?37时,宣告分散(落)的势力已破除。
- Ezekiel was a well known poet of foresight of Israel in the middle ancient times recorded in Bible. 以西结是《圣经》中古代以色列的著名先知诗人。
- Ezekiel Cheever's.C) Alfred North Whitehead's.B) Cotton Mather's.D) Patricia Nelson Limerick's. 文章批评传统的说教式的教学方式,提倡生动活泼的“表演式”教学。
- If we read Ezekiel and Revelation together, we will see that in many respects they are quite similar. 我们若同时读以西结书和启示录,就会看见这二者在许多方面非常相似。
- Exegesis of selected passages from Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and the Twelve Prophets. 阐释之章节选自以赛亚书、杰里迈亚书、以西结书及十二先知书。
- In Ezekiel chapter 38 we see a coalition between Russia, Iran, Libya and Turkey who want to wipe Israel from the map. 在以西节书第 38 章里面我们看到俄罗斯、伊朗、利比亚和土耳其的联合,想要把以色列从地图上面清除掉。
- Ezekiel from the tribe of Levi born 623BC into a priestly family who lived around Jerusalem and the temple. 以西结大约623BC生于利未部落的教士家庭,家庭就在耶路撒冷和圣殿附近。
- In chapter seven, Ezekiel continues his pronouncement of doom upon Jerusalem that he began in chapter six (6:2). 第七章是以西结接续从第六章(6:2)对耶路撒冷所宣告的噩耗。
- The pole shift described in Revelation 13:13 will be triggered by a nuclear war, described in Ezekiel 38 &39. 启示录13:13所描述的转捩点将被以西结38&39描述的核子战争所触发。
- Can we share today in the vision which came to Ezekiel, declaring that God is still in control? 神向以西结启示的异象,今天能否同样激发我们醒悟到,神仍在掌管一切?
- Ezekiel has given us some of the most remarkable prophecies ever to be fulfilled in exact detail. 以西结带给我们一些非常重要的预言,而且还钜细靡遗地完全应验。