- A New Hot Pepper F1 Hybrid -'Ejiao No. 辣椒新品种鄂椒1号的选育。
- A New Hot Pepper F1 Hybrid -'Wanjiao No. 宛椒1号辣椒的选育。
- A New Hot Pepper F1 Hybrid -'Xinjianjiao No. 辣椒新品种新尖椒1号的选育。
- A New Sponge Gourd F1 Hybrid 'Zhusigua No. 早熟丝瓜驻丝瓜1号的选育。
- A New Summer Squash F1 Hybrid - 'Jinghu No. 西葫芦新品种京葫1号的选育。
- A New Summer Squash F1 Hybrid -'Chunyu No. 西葫芦新品种春玉1号的选育。
- A New Summer Squash F1 Hybrid -'Jihu No. 西葫芦新品种济葫1号的选育。
- A New Sweet Corn F1 Hybrid -'Fengtian No. 丰甜1号甜玉米的选育。
- Breeding of Hot Pepper F1 Hybrid 'Jiangshu No. 早熟大果辣椒新品种江蔬1号的选育。
- A new purple hot pepper F1 hybrid - ZiyanNo. 紫色辣椒新品种紫燕1号的选育。
- They determined that F2 hybrids slightly outgrew the F1 hybrids. 他们认为杂种后F2代生长量稍大于F1代杂种。
- A New Salt-tolerant Asparagus F1 Hybrid -'Yansun No. 耐盐芦笋新品种盐笋1号的选育。
- Niuerdu and Zake cv.had higher GCA effect,their F1 hybrids also had maximum SCA.The two varieties are desirable parents for high oil content breeding. 牛耳朵和渣壳油菜的一般配合力效应较高,其杂交组合的特殊配合力效应值也最大,它们是两个含油率较理想的亲本材料。
- The anther culture of different photoperiodsensitive genic malesterile rice( PGMR), rice varieties and their F1 hybrids was taken. 对不同的光()核不育水稻品种及两系组合进行花药培养。
- Flow-cytometric (FCM) analysis of ploidy level of microspore-derived plants was made in four winter oilseed rape F1 hybrids. 摘要采用流式细胞光度法(FCM)对甘蓝型冬油菜4个F1代杂种的小孢子再生植株,在幼苗期(取再生株新长出的叶片嫩组织)进行了染色体倍数检测。
- The anther culture of different photoperiodsensitive genic malesterile rice(PGMR),rice varieties and their F1 hybrids was taken. 对不同的光(温)敏核不育水稻品种及两系组合进行花药培养。
- Ovarian nurse cell polytene chromosomes of F1 hybrid females were examined, to observe any synapsis in different zones of chromosomes. 制作杂种 F1 卵巢营养细胞多线染色体标本, 观察染色体各区域的联会情况。
- Most of F1 hybrids among exotic inbred lines produced higher yield than that TNW for ear fresh weight and grain dry weight in the fall and winter crop seasons. 但在春作、秋作及冬里作环境下,大部份F1杂种其乳熟期之鲜果穗重及生理成熟期之果穗乾重及籽粒乾重均较对照种高产,特别是秋作及冬季里作更为突出。
- Furthermore, the F1 hybrids of D5 when crossed to both indica and japonica varieties showed strong positive heterosis in yield characters but negative heterosis in plant height. 目D5与籼、粳品系测交在产量性状上均表现出较强的杂种优势,而株高较矮,具有负向超亲优势。
- F1 hybrids also exhibited large leaf area index, earlier heading, taller plant, longer and heavier panicle in comparison with mid-parent and check varieties. F1在叶面积指数,生育日数,株高,穗长与穗重等性状,对中间亲本及对照品种而言,亦均显示不同程度之杂种优势。