- He would make a feast of the portly grunter. 他要饱餐一顿肥猪肉。
- Exhibition for 12th Asian Congress of Architects. 第12届亚洲建筑师大会主题活动。
- Now the Passover, the feast of the Jews, was near. 约6:4那时犹太人的逾越节近了。
- A feast of home-cooked delectables. 赏心悦目的自制美味佳肴
- Director, please cut to Feast of the Eyes. 导演,快看赏心悦目啊。
- Now the Passover, a feast of the Jews, was near. 4那时犹太人的逾越节近了。
- Now the Jews' feast of tabernacles was at hand. 约7:2当时犹太人的住棚节近了。
- Pentecost: Feast of the Harvest, first fruits. New life! 五旬节:收割节,初熟的果子。新的生命!
- Called Pentecost, Feast of Weeks or Shavuot also called Whitsunday. 叫作圣灵降灵节是禁食的星期或者五旬节也叫作圣灵降灵节。
- Passover and the feast of Unleavened bread were only two days away. 还有两天逾越节和无酵饼的盛宴就来到了.
- Jn. 6:4 Now the Passover, the feast of the Jews, was near. 约六4那时犹太人的逾越节近了。
- The Feast of the Assumption is celebrated on August 15. 这是罗马天主教绝无错误的符咒的一个例子。
- Along with medicine, he was also a patron of architects, knowledge and scribes. 不只是医学,他也是建筑师之父,知识和书记官。
- Bob has written an excellent introduction to the theory of architect. 鲍勃为建筑原理写了一份精彩的简介。
- Christmas is an adaptation of the Pagan feast of Yule. 圣诞节是按照非异教徒犹太人的盛宴改换过来的。
- The partnership received the 1968 Architectural Firm Award of The American Institute of Architects. 这个合股机构在1968年获得由美国建筑研究院颁发的建筑公司奖。
- The following day, February 15th, began the Feast of Lupercalia. 然而,暴政禁止不了爱情。
- Knowledge management in institutes and development of the professional ability of architects. 组织的知识管理与建筑师职业能力的开发。
- From the left) Prof Bernard LIM with representatives of Royal Australian Institute of Architects and Mr. Duncan PESCOD. 左起)林云峰教授、澳洲皇家建筑师学会的代表、柏志高先生。