- The other students in my class are from Italy. 我班其余同学都是意大利人。
- His family emigrated from Italy to America. 他们家从意大利移居到美国。
- What did you bring the kids back from Italy? 你从意大利回来给孩子们带了什么?
- He was met by his brother on his return from Italy. 他从意大利回来的时候,是他弟弟去接他的。
- Pizza@ is a kind of food which comes from Italy. “比萨饼”是一种来自意大利的食品。
- William Henry comes from Italy, he speaks Italian. 威廉·亨利来自意大利,他说意大利语。
- I got a lot of mail from Italy . 我接到很多从意大利来的信件。
- We saw the new swift automobile from Italy. 我们看到了来自意大利的新而快的汽车。
- This silver drinking mug was imported from Italy. 这只银制饮水杯是从意大利进口的。
- Hi Obie, a great CIAO from Italy. 你好,欧比,一个来自意大利的伟大问候。
- Because the masquerade is originate from Italy. 因为化装舞会起源于意大利。
- Is he not an ordinary seaman from Italy? 不就是个普普通通的意大利水手吗?
- Fresh fruit are railed from Italy to Belgium. 新鲜水果通过火车从意大利运往比利时。
- Dine at Tatlers Restaurant for a lavish selection of authentic Chinese delicacies and a variety of international flavours from the buffet. 餐厅长期供应品种繁多的各式佳肴包括中式菜系,东南亚美食及西式大餐,无疑是美食爱好者的最佳选择。
- He have returned from italy a greater bear than ever; He bore on architecture, painting, statuary, and music. 他从意大利回来之后,变得比以前更加惹人厌烦了; 他竟钻研其建筑、绘画、雕塑、甚至音乐来了。
- Otherwise, you'll build every flavour from scratch -- a very time consuming process. 否则,你将从头构建每一个--这是一个非常耗时的过程。
- A crisp, lighter style of wine, there is a broad spectrum of fresh fruit flavours from lime and nashi through to richer notes of rockmelon and white peach. 口感清爽宜人,浓郁的哈密瓜和白桃香味中,带有酸橙和日本西洋梨子的新鲜果味。
- Before I forget, there was a call from Italy for you. 趁我还记得,有你一个从意大利打来的电话。
- Their move from Italy to the US has not been a success. 他们从意大利迁到美国并不成功。