- Face Reality For Root Essence 直面现实精神寻根
- Get the stardust out of your eyes and face reality. 抛弃天真的想法而面对现实。
- I felt a certain indisposition to face reality. 我多少有些不愿意面对现实。
- I know you have deep feelings for him. But we should face reality. 我知道你对他有很深的感情。但我们必须面对现实。
- Joanne: Alright. Let's talk reality for a second. 好了,我们来谈点正经的。
- I felt a certain indispositionto face reality. 我多少有些不愿意面对现实。
- Face reality and unwilled change will happen". 而面对现实,改变就会自然而然发生。”
- Then a gracious society would become a reality for Singapore. 这样,要使新加坡变成优雅社会就不是天方夜谭了。
- Face reality as it is, not as it was or as you wish it to be. 面对现实,而不是面对过去或你希望的那样!
- Face reality and be adult in your responses to life's challenges! 面对现实,要成熟的应对生活中的总总挑战!
- The influnce on our ancient society is dual.But face reality we should take its essence and abandon its superfluous, scooping out the modern meaning to serve the combination of today. 传统中的科学精神与人文精神对我国古代科技与社会的发展既有利影响也不利影响,而面对现实的需要我们应该取其精华、去其糟粕,挖掘其中的现代意义,为二者在今天的融合服务。
- Contains spirea ,burdock root essence ,vegetal deep purifying agent ,moisturizing factor &so on. 主要成份: 蕴含绣线菊、牛蒡根精华、植物深层净化剂、保湿因子等。
- When facing reality, my still confusedness! 面对现实时,我依然一片迷茫!
- Be able to work with Frontline and supplier for root cause investigation. 愿意出差到前线或者供应商处进行真正的实效原因的调查。
- But, as in Cyprus, the Army and the politicians simply refused to face reality. 但是,也同塞浦路斯的情况一样,军界和政界根本拒绝面对现实。
- Ingredients: serine, pure hyaluronic acid, rose essence, rehmannia root essence, 40% vitamin complex, etc. 主要成份:丝氨酸、精纯透明质酸、玫瑰精华、地黄根精华、40%25的维生素复合物等。
- Letting go is not to be protective; it's to permit another to face reality. 并不是勤于保护;而是允许他人面对现实。
- The litter of autumn will become mulch, then humus for root and tender seed. 秋天的碎片化为根肥和种子。
- But the boy tries to rationalise: deal with his worst fears and face reality. 但那男孩设法理性面对: 收拾他最大恐惧, 面对现实。
- Contains spirea ,orris compound ,sage essence ,aloe essence ,burdock root essence ,ivy essence & so on . 产品说明: 主要成份:蕴含绣线菊、?草复合物、鼠尾草精华、芦荟精华、牛蒡根精华、长春藤精华等。