- Facial characteristics of leaf 叶面特征
- Analysis on Ecophysiological Characteristics of Leaf Photosynthesis of Medicago Varia. Cv. Gannong NO. 杂花苜蓿叶片光合生理生态特性。
- In the plant organs, the stomatic distribution characteristics of leaf epidermis may be taken as an evidence of plant classification. 在植物不同的器官中,叶表面的气孔分布特征可以作为植物分类的佐证。
- A research on the systematic position of subtribe Setariinae (Graminese) with special reference to the characteristics of leaf epidermis. 文章题目 根据叶表皮结构的特征探讨狗尾草亚族的系统位置.
- Paradox and irony are characteristics of her style. 她善於运用似非而是的隽语和反语。
- Sympathy is the feeling characteristic of mankind. 同情心是人类特有的感情。
- Characteristic of or befitting a warrior. 勇敢的,好战的具有战士、勇士特征的或适宜于勇士的
- Biological Characteristics of Leaf Beetle and Their Control 恶性叶甲危害橄榄的生物学特性及防治
- On the basis of field investigation and consultation on the plant specimens,the ornamental characteristics of wild Ilex in Guizhou were studied from the aspects of leaves,fruits,etc. 在实地调查与标本查阅的基础上,对贵州野生冬青属树木的种类,从叶、果等方面就其观赏特性进行了研究。
- Characteristic of or resembling an Amazon. 亚马孙族人的有亚马孙族人特点的,象亚马孙族人的
- Researchers have long noted that by melding together hundreds of faces, a statistical average of facial characteristics is reached that happens to be incredibly attractive. 科学家早已发现通过融合几百张脸,得到的一张统计学上的面部特征平均的脸,碰巧是极为富有吸引力的。
- The characteristic of the logarithm 6.3214 is 6. 对数6.;3214的首数是6。
- The most interested here are those sleeping monks lying on the lonesome alley, all of them are dressing red cassocks, but without facial characteristics. 沉睡中的僧人全都穿着红色的袈裟,面部无相。
- Such bluntness is characteristic of him. 他就是这麽迟钝。
- One of the characteristics of youth is good health. 年轻的一大特征是身体好。
- Characteristic of or resembling a Mongol. 带有蒙古人特点的或象蒙古人的
- Characteristic of or resembling spring. 春天般的或具春天特色的
- Consisting or characteristic of prose. 散文的组成散文的或有散文特点的
- The smooth motion characteristic of fluids. 流动液体具有特色的平稳移动性
- While the findings are compelling, the scientific community has typically greeted the field of physiognomy, which links facial characteristics to certain behavioral traits, with skepticism. 尽管这一研究发现很令人信服,但科学界对于将面部特征与特定行为联系起来的相面术通常还是持半信半疑的态度。