- He got faint, but soon came around. 他昏死过去, 但不久就苏醒了。
- He was very angry but soon came around after listening to the explanation. 他勃然大怒,但听了解释后不久气就消了。
- Fainted but soon came around 昏迷但马上苏醒
- fainted but soon came around. 昏迷但马上苏醒
- She fell and fainted, but soon came to her senses. 她跌倒后昏过去,但不久就苏醒过来了。
- He got faint, but soon came round. 他昏死过去, 但不久就苏醒了。
- She lost her temper, but soon came to herself. 她发脾气了,但很快恢复了正常。
- Jim and Mary often argue,but they soon come around. 吉姆和玛丽经常发生争执,但他们很快就可以和好。
- The boy had a swoon , but soon came round. 男孩晕过去了,可一会儿就醒了过来。
- The boy had a swoon ,but soon came round . 男孩晕过去了,可是,一会儿就醒了过来。
- The boy had a swoon, but soon came round. 男孩晕过去了,可是一会儿就醒了过来。
- She lost her temper,but soon came to herself. 她发脾气了,但很快恢复了正常。
- I started last but soon came up with the others. 我最后出发,但是很快就赶上了其他人。
- They threw some water on her face, and she soon came around. 他们把水洒在她的脸上,她不久就苏醒过来。
- The boy had a swoon,but soon came round. 男孩晕过去了,可是,一会儿就醒了过来。
- They threw some water on her face,and she soon came around. 他们把水洒在她的脸上,她不久就苏醒过来。
- She fainted but the brandy soon revived her. 她昏迷了,但喂她些白兰地酒就很快醒过来了。
- Don't worry.The chairman will soon come around to our opinion. 不要担心,主席很快就会转而同意我们的看法的。
- The policeman went into the house but soon came out of it. 警察进了那所房子,但很快又出来了。
- My wife is angry with me, but she'll come around soon. 我的太太跟我生气,但她很快就会同意我的。