- A golf hole in which the fairway is abruptly angled. 拐形击球区高尔夫球座和球洞之间有急折路径的击球区
- The main feature on the program is her song. 那个节目的主要号召物是她的歌。
- In computer programming, a jump instruction. 计算机程序设计中的一种跳转指令。建议使用jump。
- In computer programming, to execute a call. 在计算机程序设计中指执行一次调用。
- Fairway Programming 航路规划
- This news program only covers external events. 这一新闻节目只报道国外消息。
- Do you see the travel program on italy last night? 昨晚你看有关意大利的旅游节目了吗?
- Then to the destination along Donglong fairway. 航行,继而沿着灯笼水道驶入内河,直到各目的港。
- Starting applications from Program Manager is easy. 在程序管理器下运行应用程序很容易。
- Pop music is mostly program music. 流行音乐大多是标题音乐。
- Laura Davies is walking on fairway. 劳拉·戴维斯走在球道上。
- Enclosed is our program invoice in duplicate. 随函附上我方估价单一式两份。
- No, I cannot seem to hit the fairway. 不行,我在球道上像是不会打球似的。
- What's the program for tomorrow? 明天有什么节目?
- There's a river on the right of the fairway. 有一条河在球道右边。
- You can take pilot at NO.5 Fairway Buoy. 你船可在5号航道浮筒上引航员。
- What functions can this program perform? 这一程序有哪些功能?
- Please replace divots in fairway or fill with sand. 请您帮助将球道上打起的草皮放回、覆沙。
- The space program is the evolution of years of research. 太空计划是多年研究的发展结果。
- No, I can't seem to hit the fairway. 不行,我在球道上像是不会打球似的。