- After the speech, Vice-President Hu answered questions on the fight against terrorism, the reform of the UN, China's economic prospect and the Falun Gong cult. 演讲后,胡锦涛还就反对恐怖主义、联合国改革、中国经济发展前景、邪教“法轮功”等问题回答了与会人员的提问。
- China Outlaws Falun Gong Cult According to Law 中国依法取缔邪教“法轮功”
- Falun Gong Cult 法轮功
- Falun Gong is an evil cult that has developed in some regions in China in recent years. 据了解,“法轮功”是近年来在中国一些地方发展起来的邪教组织。
- The Chinese Government cannot sit back and do nothing about Falun Gong,a cult organization that has seriously endangered the society. 对于“法轮功”这样一个已经对社会造成了严重危害的邪教组织,我国政府不能坐视不管。
- The Chinese Government cannot sit back and do nothing about Falun Gong, a cult organization that has seriously endangered the society. 对于“法轮功”这样一个已经对社会造成了严重危害的邪教组织,我国政府不能坐视不管。
- The People's Daily carried an article entitled Falun Gong Is a Cult, which systematically exposes the essential features and dangerous effects of Falun Gong as a cult. 《人民日报》发表了《“法轮功”就是邪教》的文章,对“法轮功”的邪教本质、特征和危害进行了系统的揭露。
- Former practitioners condemn Falun Gong. 前法轮功练习者谴责法轮功。
- The People's Daily carried an article entitled Falun Gong Is a Cult,which systematically exposes the essential features and dangerous effects of Falun Gong as a cult. 《人民日报》发表了《“法轮功”就是邪教》的文章,对“法轮功”的邪教本质、特征和危害进行了系统的揭露。
- Mr Tung said he sees no reason at this stage to outlaw Falun Gong. 董建华表示现阶段无须立法取缔法轮功。
- The Chief Executive escalated the rhetoric over Falun Gong's activities in Hong Kong by telling lawmakers that the meditation sect is a well-organised and politically motivated cult. 特首对香港法轮功活动的口诛升级:他在立法会答问大会中表示法轮功组织严密及有政治目的。
- Some have committed suicide or become psychotic after practicing Falun Gong. 有的因练法轮功自杀身亡或精神失常。
- Some have committed suicide or become psychotic after practicing Falun Gong. 有的因练法轮功自杀身亡或精神失常。
- "There was a Falun Gong tutors meeting at Beijing on the morning of Apr.24. “4月24日早上,北京有个辅导员会议,李昌、我、纪烈武后来也去了。
- Fourthly,Li Hongzhi and his Falun Gong organization have been involved in a host of illegal activities. 第四、李洪志及其“法轮功”组织从事了大量的非法活动。
- The Falun Dafa Society and the Falun Gong organizations under its control have a closely knitted organizational system. 法轮大法研究会及其操纵的法轮功组织具有严密的组织系统。
- The Society has Falun Gong centers,training centers and exercising sites under it. 在法轮大法研究会下,设有法轮功辅导总站、辅导站和练功点。
- As is known to all,it is the Falun Gong organizations that organized the "April 25 incident". 大家都知道,法轮功组织制造了“4.;25”事件。
- Moreover,Li Hongzhi has made a fortune out of Falun Gong illegally. Most of his ill-gotten wealth has evaded tax. 另外,李洪志还利用“法轮功”非法敛取大量不义之财,这些收入大部分没有纳税。
- This action of banning Falun Gong organizations has enjoyed broad support of the people. 取缔法轮功组织得到了广大人民群众的支持。