- From Bali to Cali- far beneath the Coral Sea. 从印尼巴厘岛到哥伦比亚卡利,穿过(大利亚的)瑚海。
- From Bali to Cali -- far beneath the Coral Sea. 从巴厘岛到卡利--在深深的珊瑚海之下。
- From Bali to Cali - far beneath the Coral Sea. 从印尼巴厘岛到哥伦比亚卡利,穿过(澳大利亚的)珊瑚海。
- Far beneath the Coral Sea 在遥远的珊瑚海下
- Some night elves suggest that not all of the demons were banished, lurking even now beneath the glittering waters of the Coral Sea and awaiting the time to strike back. 有些暗夜精灵认为并非所有的恶魔都已经被驱逐了,他潜伏在波光粼粼的水面下珊瑚丛生的海洋中等待着合适的时机发起反攻。
- A large inlet of the Coral Sea on the southeast coast of New Guinea. 巴布亚湾珊瑚海的一个位于新几内亚东南岸的大海湾
- Just remember in the winter, far beneath the bitter snows. 只需记住在寒冷的冬天里,苦涩的雪底下。
- Spruance had been bemoaning the way they had missed the Coral Sea battle. 斯普鲁恩斯对他们没有赶上参加珊瑚海之战一事表示惋惜。
- But far, far beneath the crust whose rock is so hot, that it is soft. 但是在地壳最最深处的地方,岩石是相当的热的,所以也相当的柔软。
- Beyond the coral reef the open sea is dark blue. 珊瑚礁之外的大海是一片深蓝色。
- He yawned and curled his body down farther beneath the poncho. 他打了个呵欠,把身子再蜷拢点儿,往雨披里缩了缩。
- Beyond the coral reef the open sea was dark blue. 珊瑚礁之外的大海是一片深蓝色。
- Right now, public fears of overreach seem to be under control, but they aren't far beneath the surface. 眼下,公众对摊子铺得太大的担忧似乎得到了控制,但这远没到可以忽略的程度。
- Cape York Peninsula:a peninsula of northeast australia between the Gulf of Carpentaria and the Coral Sea. 约克角半岛:澳大利亚东北部一半岛;位于卡奔塔利亚湾和珊瑚海之间.
- Instead, they have formed deposits of coal, natural gas and oil, often located far beneath the land surface or the sea-bed. 它们往往在地表或海底以下很深的地方形成了煤、天然气和石油的矿床。
- Conservationists describe the Coral Sea as "a stunning blue-water highway, full of oceanic preticises predators". 天然资源保护者将珊瑚海描述为一个令人神往的深海高速公路;其中充满了海洋食肉动物.
- Just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snows lies the seed that with the sun's love in the spring becomes the rose! 记住,在冬季雪的深处。有种子带着爱的阳光,会长出玫瑰在春天里绽放!
- So, without formal protection for the Coral Sea we're afraid it might be vulnerable to that in the future. 所以,如果不能给予珊瑚海正式的保护,我们担心在未来它将可能更易受到伤害。”
- Just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snows lies the seed that with the sun's love in the sping becomes therose. 你记住;冬日的积雪之下埋藏着的种子;带着阳光的温暖;到了春天;它就会变成一朵玫瑰.
- So, without formal protection for the Coral Sea we're afraid it might be vulnerable to that forin the future. 因此,如果对珊瑚海没有正式的保护,我们担心将来它有可能更容易受到伤害。”