- Farmacopeia Romina 罗马尼亚药典
- A second cataract operation was being planned to restore Romina's bilateral sight, the zoo said in a statement. 布里斯托尔动物园在一次声明说,罗米纳第二次白内障手术的方案已经定下来了,这次手术之后,罗米纳的两只眼睛就都可以看见东西了。
- "Romina had led quite a reclusive life -- but now she's even interacted with a male for the first time," said Watts. 沃茨说:"从前的罗米纳一直过着封闭的生活,但是手术后她已经和从前大不一样了,现在的她甚至已经开始第一次和异性交往了。"
- Once Romina recovered she was reunited with her companions Bongo and Salome -- and there may be romance in the air. 当罗米纳苏醒过来的时候,她平日的伙伴--大猩猩邦戈和萨洛米就在她的身边。那真是个浪漫的场景啊!
- Romina's career has taken her to Spain, where she won the Superliga title with Levante in 2005. 罗曼娜的在西班牙开始了她的职业生涯,在那里她和莱万特队一起获得了2005赛季的联赛冠军。
- Romina,a 21-year-old Western lowland gorilla at Bristol Zoo Gardens,west England,had congenital cataracts in both eyes. 这只21岁的大猩猩名叫罗米纳,生活在英国西部布里斯托尔动物园的西部低地地区。这只不幸的大猩猩自出生的时候就因患有先天性白内障而生活在黑暗之中。
- Romina, a 21-year-old Western lowland gorilla at Bristol Zoo Gardens, west England, had congenital cataracts in both eyes. 这只21岁的大猩猩名叫罗米纳,生活在英国西部布里斯托尔动物园的西部低地地区。这只不幸的大猩猩自出生的时候就因患有先天性白内障而生活在黑暗之中。
- It took an hour and a half for 120-kg Romina to be tranquilized, allowing the surgeon to make an incision through the cornea before breaking up the cataract with ultrasound and inserting the silicon lens. 为这只体重达120公斤的大猩猩进行麻醉花费了一个半小时的时间,之后医生才能在它的角膜上打开切口,然后用超声波将白内障粉碎,镶入硅制镜片。
- It took an hour and a half for 120-kg Romina to be tranquilized,allowing the surgeon to make an incision through the cornea before breaking up the cataract with ultrasound and inserting the silicon lens. 为这只体重达120公斤的大猩猩进行麻醉花费了一个半小时的时间,之后医生才能在它的角膜上打开切口,然后用超声波将白内障粉碎,镶入硅制镜片。
- Farmacopeia Brasileira 巴西药典
- Farmacopeia Chilena 智利药典
- Farmacopeia Nacional Argentina 阿根廷药典
- Farmacopeia Portuguesa 葡萄牙药典
- Agentia Romina de Presa 罗马尼亚通讯社
- Romina 罗米纳