- So, feature subset selection becomes one of the important research issues in the process of microcalcification identification. 因此,特征子集选择问题成为微钙化点病变类型识别中的重要问题。
- This paper proposed a criterion function for selecting the optimal feature subset and a search strategy called novel quantum genetic algorithm (NQGA). 提出一种最优特征子集评价准则和实现特征选择的一种新量子遗传算法(NQGA)。
- Based on extension matrix formed on positive and negative examples, we set up the integer-programming model (IPM) for optimal rule extraction and feature subset selection. 与传统的启发式算法相比,采用遗传算法求解的规划模型可以找到多个全局最优解以及可行解。
- For the given unclassified model,feature selection requires us to select the most excellent feature subset and it can represent the model which is classified. 对于一个给定的待分类模式,特征选择要求人们从大量的特征中选取一个最优特征子集,以代表被分类的模式。
- For features selection from infrared remote sensing image,the genetic algorithm(GA) is used to search for the optimum feature subset based on minimum entropy separability criterion. 以最小判别熵可分性判据作为准则,利用遗传算法搜索最优特征子集,实现了遥感红外图像的特征选择。
- optimal feature subset selection 最优特征子集选择
- The later, GA, an overall optimization algorithm, can heuristically search space of solution to find the optimization feature subsets. 后者,使用遗传算法启发式地搜索全局解空间,获得最优的属性子集。
- We analyze the gene expression profiles of colon and recursively eliminate the genes which have lower sensitivity to BP neural networks,then a set of candidate nested feature subsets are generated. 以结肠癌基因表达谱为例,首先定义基因对BP神经网络模型输出函数的灵敏度,递归去除灵敏度较低的若干基因,生成一组嵌套的候选特征基因子集。
- The main feature on the program is her song. 那个节目的主要号召物是她的歌。
- Wet weather is a feature of life in this area. 天气潮湿是这个地区生活的一个特色。
- I do not realize it is a double feature. 我原先不知道这是双片连映。
- A set that includes a given and similar set as a subset. 子集包含一个给定的或相似的子集的集合
- A main feature of computer virus. 计算机病毒的一种主要特性。
- The null subset corresponds to the term 1. 空集则对应于常数项1。
- Integer-programming model for learning from examples and feature subset selection based on extension matrix 示例学习与特征选择的规划模型方法
- A characteristic feature of Attic Greek. 雅典式的习语,文体,风格等古希腊雅典个性风格
- A notable or distinctive feature or characteristic. 特征显著或特殊的特征或特点
- A subset S of a ring A is a subring of A. 环A的子集S叫作A的子环。
- Cliche is a feature of bad journalism. 使用套语是拙劣的新闻体的特点。
- This is a key feature of our society. 这是我们社会的一个主要特点。