- What reason causes proliferation of female mammary gland? 女性乳腺增生是什么原因引起的?
- The VLH-6100 photoelectron Therapeutic Instrument is a high technological product focusing on the health care and disease treatment of female mammary gland. VLH-6100光电离子治疗仪是一种以保健、治疗女性乳腺疾病为主的高新技术产品。
- Female mammary gland 女性乳腺
- Is the female's mammary gland proliferous this any cure? . . Advisory expert! 女性的乳腺增生该任何治疗?.
- Cannot mammary gland hyperplasia drink honey water? 乳腺增生不能喝蜂蜜水吗?
- Bump of mammary gland of how fast detumescence? 怎样快速消肿乳腺肿块?
- Can mammary gland fibroma have a relapse after art? 乳腺纤维瘤术后会复发吗?
- Mammary gland is the main site to synthesize milk. 乳腺是合成乳汁的主要场所。
- A: The normal growth of mammary gland is the action that female progestational hormone cooperates with inside body. A:乳腺的正常发育是体内雌孕激素协同的作用。
- The mammary gland is a magnificent protein-manufacturing organ. 乳腺不仅是大量产生蛋白质的器官;
- Mr.Zhang: The female addition as the age, mammary gland flocculus also can increase, want to learn self-check, ego is massaged. 张老师:女性随着年龄的增加,乳腺小叶也会增加,要学会自我检查,自我按摩。
- Because was not hurt,reach mammary gland and organization of lacteal arteries and veins, won't affect female lactation so. 因为未伤及乳腺和乳脉组织,所以不会影响到女性哺乳。
- Function: Opens the mammary gland, dilates cells, firms the pectoralis major muscle, activates female hormone and makes the breast firm. 功效:疏通乳腺,膨胀细胞,坚挺胸大肌,激发女性荷尔蒙,使胸部翘挺。
- The small projection near the center of the mammary gland containing the outlets of the milk ducts through which young mammals obtain milk from the adult female. 乳头靠近乳腺中心的小的凸起物,含有乳导管的出口,幼小的哺乳动物从成年雌性身上由此吸取乳汁。
- Does mammary gland fibroma belong to mammary gland hyperplasia? 乳腺纤维瘤属于乳腺增生吗?
- Objective To investigate the three-dimensional structure of normal and cancerous female mammary duct and acinus system. 目的研究女性正常及癌变乳腺导管系统的三维结构。
- Encounter mammary gland growth, can you excise fibroma? 遇到乳腺增长,你会切除纤维瘤吗?
- Does mammary gland fibroma have very big concern with the mood? 乳腺纤维瘤是不是和心情有很大的关系?
- The small projection near the center of the mammary gland containing the outlets of the milk ducts through which young mammals obtain milk from the adult female;a teat. 乳头靠近乳腺中心的小的凸起物,含有乳导管的出口,幼小的哺乳动物从成年雌性身上由此吸取乳汁;乳头
- Methods The samples of breast from 21 patients with breast carcinoma and 2 biopsied subjects to study the resin cast on female mammary duct and acinus system. 方法收集21例因乳腺癌切除的乳房标本,2例尸解的正常乳房标本进行乳腺导管系统铸型研究。