- Jokhang Temple was first built in 647.legend says that Princess Wencheng chose the site, because the location Wotang Lake was believe to be the heart of a female monster. 大昭寺在拉萨市中心,始建于公元647年,是藏王松赞干布为纪念文成公主入藏而建,后经历代修缮增建,形成庞大的建筑群。
- He was possessed with a monster. 他被一个怪物缠上了。
- A hideous monster attacked the helpless villagers. 有个丑恶的怪物袭击了手无寸铁的村民。
- Let go of me, you vicious monster! 放开我,你这可恶的家伙!
- The female dog bore five whelps. 母狗生了五只小狗。
- Who on earth is that female he's with? 跟他在一起的那个女人究竟是谁?
- The male voice is deeper than the female. 男性的嗓音比女性的低沉。
- The male is physically stronger than the female. 男性在身体上要比女性强壮。
- He is variously described as a doctor and a monster. 他被一些人说成是大夫,又被另一些人描述为怪物。
- Excessive sexual desire in a female. 女性色情狂女性过多的性欲
- A huge sea monster in Norwegian legend. 北海巨妖挪威传说中一种巨大的海怪
- I hate female boss--they are so picky. 我讨厌女性上司--她们太会吹毛求疵。
- Factories employ both male and female workers. 工厂既雇用男工,也雇用女工。
- Bearing male and female flowers. 具两性花的有雄性和雌性花的
- Sewing is considered a female occupation. 缝纫被认为是女性的职业。
- The judge told the murderer that he was a monster. 法官对凶手说他是一个穷凶极恶的人。
- Female sheep produce one or two lambs at a time. 母羊一次生一到两只羊羔。
- The male and female genders are equal. 男性和女性是平等的。
- The male sperm fertilizes the female egg. 雄性的精子使雌性的卵子受精。
- A mule is a hybrid of a male donkey and a female horse. 骡子是公驴和母马交配而生的杂种动物。