- Fertilizer application mode 培肥方式
- Timing and Methods of Fertilizer Application? 施肥时期和施肥方法?
- Application mode of nitrogen fertilizer 施氮模式
- Application mode of nitrogenous fertilizer 施氮方式
- Studies on Mineral Nutrients and Fertilizer Application of Castanea Mollissima BL. 板栗矿质营养与施肥研究。
- Brassica rapa was selected as research object to study the effect of fertilizer application rate in high altitude zone of Qinghai Province. 在青海省高海拔农业区,以当地主要种植的白菜型油菜作为试验对象,进行增施不同用量钾肥的大田试验,研究其对油菜产量的影响及肥料效应。
- The total phosphorus requirement is relative to the potential of soil phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizer application. 总磷需求量与土壤磷潜力和施用氮肥有关。
- This document is a step-by-step guide for Active Directory Application Mode (ADAM). 本文档是有关Active Directory应用程序模式(ADAM)的分步指南。
- Effects of Planting Time, Method and Fertilizer Application Rate on Production and Quality of Gentiana Scabra Bge. 播种期、种植方式、施肥量对龙胆产量和质量的影响。
- This document is a step-by-step guide for deploying Active Directory Application Mode (ADAM). 本文档是有关部署Active Directory应用程序模式(ADAM)的分步指南。
- Modify the default configuration of the Active Directory Application Mode (ADAM). 修改Active Directory应用程序模式(ADAM)的默认配置。
- The effect of fertilizer application on content and accumulative amount of nutrient element in Trifolium pratense community. 施肥对红三叶群落营养元素含量和积累量的影响。
- The ontology view was actually the extraction of ontology, namely an application mode of ontology. 本体视图实际上是对本体的抽取,即本体的一种应用模式。
- The experiments on fertilizer application forDiospyros lotus were made with seed-lings grown in nursery bed,with 6 treatments and 3 repeats. 试验采用苗床施肥,6个处理,3次重复,田间随机区组排列。
- The development of Internet and the popularize of streaming media establish a new application mode of n... 网络的发展,流媒体技术的普及,为网络教学带来了新的应用模式。
- Title: Effects of Planting Time, Method and Fertilizer Application Rate on Production and Quality of Gentiana Scabra Bge. 关键词:龙胆;播种期;种植方式;施肥量;产量;影响
- Huang S M,Bao D J.Effect of N fertilizer application on nitrate content in soil and underground water[J].Agri-Environ.Prot.,2000,19(4):228-229. [19]黄绍敏;宝德俊.;施氮对潮土地下水硝态氮含量的影响[J]
- The unique usage of hyphen in Wei Cheng is discussed in terms of application mode, rhetorical function and pragmatic purpose in this paper. 围城》中的破折号,在运用形式、辞功能、用目的三个方面展示着独特的艺术魅力,具有研究的意义和价值。
- Better crop growth provides better crop canopies which give better protection to the soils;this can be achieved through fertilizer application. 良好的作物生长可为土壤提供良好的覆盖条件,从而更好地保持土壤,这可以通过施肥来实现。
- Changes to the Edge Transport server object are saved on the local server by using Active Directory Application Mode (ADAM). 对边缘传输服务器对象的更改使用Active Directory应用程序模式(ADAM)保存在本地服务器上。