- Fetal congenital anomaly 胎儿畸形
- The inferior vena cava duplication is a rare congenital anomaly. 下腔静脉重复畸形是一种罕见的先天性血管发育变异。
- The blind-ending bifid ureter is a rare congenital anomaly of urinary system. 盲枝输尿管裂是一种极为少见的泌尿系统的先天异常。
- Purpose: To evaluate the feasibility of prenatal ultrasound examination of fetal congenital heart anomalies. 目的:探讨超声筛查胎儿先天性心脏畸形的可行性及应用价值。
- Objective: To evaluate the clinical value of the four-chamber view antenatally in diagnosis of fetal congenital cardiac abnormalities. 目的:分析四腔心切面在筛查胎儿心脏畸形中的价值。
- Patients with congenital anomaly of the inferior vena cava (IVC) usually lack clinical symptoms and signs. 下腔静脉之先天性异常一般缺乏临床症状,多为其他原因受检查而意外发现者。
- The recent expansion of in-utero surgical correction of congenital anomalies and the use of fetal tissues for transplantation have spurred the debate on fetal sentience. 最近,先天畸形宫内外科矫治手术和胎儿组织在器官移植中的使用得到发展,这促使人们开始关注胎儿感觉。
- The em-embryology of IVC, causes of congenital anomaly and their clinical significance are discussed. 本文并讨论下腔静脉之胚胎演化,先天异常之成因,与其临床意义。
- Unilateral absence or hypoplasia of the pulmonary artery is an uncommon but not rare congenital anomaly. 摘要单侧肺动脉缺失或发育不全是一种先天性肺动脉发育异常。
- Objective: To investigate the valid method and regulation of raising diagnosis rate of prenatal echocardiographic screening for fetal congenital heart and great artery diseases. 摘要目的:探讨超声筛查胎儿心脏及大动脉异常的检出率和诊断率的有效方法及注意事项。
- Objective:To investigate the valid method and regulation of raising diagnosis rate of prenatal echocardiographic screening for fetal congenital heart and great artery diseases. 目的:探讨超声筛查胎儿心脏及大动脉异常的检出率和诊断率的有效方法及注意事项。
- The etiologies of these lesions in the pancreatic head include inflammatory and infectious diseases, congenital anomaly, and lymphoproliferative processes. 这些胰脏头部伪肿瘤的形成原因包括了发炎性及感染性疾病,先天性异常及淋巴增生性疾病。
- Methods Six fetuses suffering from fetal congenital SBM were diagnosed and analyzed using traditional 2-D ultrasound(2-D US),VCI-C plane and 3-D US reconstruction. 方法 对 6例患显性脊柱裂的胎儿进行二维超声普通切面、 VCI- C平面及三维超声重建 ,并对相关图像进行了分析。
- The recent expansion of in-utero surgical correction of congenital anomalies and the use of fetal tissues for transplantation hae spurred the debate on fetal sentience. 最近,先天畸形宫内外科矫治手术和胎儿组织在器官移植中的使用得到发展,这促使人们开始关注胎儿感觉。
- Peripapillary staphyloma is a rare congenital anomaly and is even rare when it associated with serous retinal detachment. 摘要视乳头周围葡萄肿并发浆液性视网膜剥离,文献上只有一篇报告提及,但却未加以治疗。
- Orbital meningocele is a rare congenital anomaly with cystic herniation of meninges caused by a bony defect of the cranio-orbital bone. 摘要眼窝脑膜膨出是种罕见的先天性异常,其成因为头颅或眼窝骨的缺损使得脑脑从缺损处呈囊状的膨出。
- Retrocaval ureter is a rare congenital anomaly in which the ureter passes behind, and is compressed by, the inferior vena cava. 下腔静脉后输尿管为比较罕见之先天性异常,意指输尿管跑到下腔静脉后并被下腔静脉压迫。
- The presence of any congenital anomaly, abruption, and cord complications were associated with antepartum stillbirth in both races. 任何先天性畸形、胎盘早剥、脐带合并症是白人及非裔美国人发生产前死胎的危险因素。
- Lipomyelomeningocele is an uncommon congenital anomaly, resulting from outpouching of spinal cord and its surrounding leptomeninges through the bony defect of spina bifida. 脂肪脊髓脊膜膨出是一种罕见的先天异常,源于脊髓及脊膜经由脊柱裂而向外突出。
- Crossed renal ectopia is a rare congenital anomaly of the urinary tract, with an incidence of about one in 2000-7000 autopsies and a slight male predominance. 摘要当肾脏和输尿管进入膀胱不在身体的同一侧时,我们称之为跨越性异位肾脏。