- Fetal fat cell 胎儿脂肪细胞
- fetal fat cell lipoma 胚性脂肪细胞瘤
- Fat cells developing in areolar connective tissue. 疏松结缔组织中,几个脂肪细胞。
- A benign tumor composed chiefly of fat cells. 脂肪瘤主要由脂肪细胞构成的良性瘤
- Adipose tissue aggregate of fat cells. 脂肪组织有大量的脂肪细胞聚集而成。
- Experiment observed the effect in taking food, water, form of fat cell, NPY, Leptin, INS, and NPYmRNA. 实验观察了针刺对各实验组大鼠饮水量及摄食量、肥胖指标、脂肪细胞形态、大鼠神经肽Y(NPY)、瘦素(Leptin)、胰岛素(Ins)及神经肽Y基因表达(NPYmRNA)的影响。
- The researchers also monitored fat cell numbers in 20 people who underwent gastric bypass operations. 研究者也监视了20位进行了胃旁手术的人的脂肪细胞数目。
- A new study has found that a fat cell gene may reduce the risk of colon cancer in some people. 一项新的研究已经发现一个脂肪细胞基因可以降低某些人得结肠癌的风险。
- A new study has found that a fat cell gene may reduce the risk of conlon colon cancer in some people. 一项新的研究表明一种脂肪细胞基因可能可以减小某些人 体内的结肠癌发病几率。
- How the body regulates the turnover of fat cells remains unknown. 人体如何调节脂肪细胞的周转现在还不清楚。
- The fat cells in the hips, thighs, butt and abs will enlarge first. 男性的上半身,虽然容易增加额外体重,但倾向于释放脂肪。
- Those fat cells are essentially just storage sinks for calories. 这些皮下脂肪细胞只是存储卡路里的容器。
- They show that when a fat cell receives too many nutrients, the ER is overwhelmed and triggers a process called the unfolded protein response (UPR). 他们指出,当脂肪细胞吸收了过多的营养物时,ER就会过载,并会触发一种名为未折叠蛋白质反应(UPR)的过程。
- The end result: more, fatter fat cells. 最终的结果是:更多的,更胖的脂肪细胞。
- The study provides what scientists say is the first evidence of a genetic link between a fat cell gene and colen colon cancer. 这项研究支持了科学家们提出的肥胖基因与结肠癌之间有基因连带关系的最初观点。
- The study provides what scientists say is the first evidence of a genetic link between a fat cell gene and a conlon colon cancer. 这如科学家所说的,这项研究首次提出了证据证实脂肪细胞基因和结肠癌之间存在的遗传相关性。
- The study previse with provides what scientists say is the first evidence of a genetic link between a fat cell gene and colon cancer. 研究给出了科学家说的脂肪细胞和结肠癌之间基因联系的第一份证据。
- The study provides what scientists say is the first evidence of a genetic link between a fat cell gene and colon cancer. 研究提供了科学家的言论:首次有证据显示在脂肪细胞基因和结肠癌之间存在遗传联系。
- Bone marrow fat cell caused by lipid metabolism disorders may be the important material with respect to bone marrow microcirculation and osteopenia. 能够同时纠正脂质代谢紊乱和防治骨质疏松的药物是目前药理学研究的热点之一。
- So, we really should try to get rid of the excess visceral fat cells. 因此,我们确实应该清除过剩的内脏脂肪细胞。