- The soldiers swore to fight it out. 战士们发誓战斗到底。
- The two boys determined to fight it out. 两个孩子决心打出个胜负来。
- Four teams are going to battle it out tonight in the semifinals. 四个队将在今晚的半决赛中决一胜负。
- The young men are determined to fight it out. 这些年轻人决心斗争到底。
- I can't help them to resolve their quarrel they must fight it out between them. 我无法帮助他们解决争论--他们得打出个结果来。
- The two belligerent parties were ready to battle it out. 交战双方准备决一雌雄。
- He set his teeth and prepared to fight it out. 他咬紧牙关准备决一胜负。
- We are determined to fight it out come what may. 不管怎么样,我们决心干到底,决一胜负。
- They decided to fight it out with swords. 他们决定用剑来决一雌雄。
- That's just like you--try to battle it out on your own. 你就是这个样子什么事都要自己干到底。
- Let the gooks fight it out amongest themselves. 让那些东方人自己在窝内斗去吧!
- I am determined to fight it out. 我决心奋斗到底。
- They will fight it out to the bitter end. 他们将战斗到底。
- The two sides will battle it out in the final next week. 双方将于下周决赛中决一胜负。
- The two boys determined to fight it out . 两个男孩决定争个高低。
- The two belligerent parties were readyto battle it out. 交战双方准备决一雌雄。
- The two teams are determined to fight it out. 两个球队要较量一番,非见个输赢不可。
- This Friday,four teams will battle it out in the semifinals. 本周五,4个队将在半决赛中决一雌雄。
- King of Lu leads his troops personally, ready to battle it out. 鲁国国王亲自率领军队准备大战一场。
- The ancient way to settle a quarrel was to choose a leader from each side and let them fight it out. 古代解决争端的办法是从双方各选一名头目,让他们一决雄雌。