- Now it's time to initialize the video encoder and add it to the filter graph. 现在应该初始化视频编码器并将其添加到筛选器图形。
- VFW_E_NOT_IN_GRAPH Cannot perform the requested function on an object that is not in the filter graph. 无法对筛选器图表之外的对象执行所要求的功能.
- Just before playing the stream (running the filter graph), use the following code. 在播放该流(运行筛选器图形)之前,请使用以下代码。
- A filter graph must follow certain guidelines, and the first guideline is that you need a source filter. 筛选器图形必须遵循某些原则,第一个原则是需要一个源筛选器。
- Here you create a reference to the event (IMediaEvent) interface, and that reference is used to wait for the completion of the filter graph processing. 在此处,您创建一个对事件(IMediaEvent)接口的引用,它用于等待筛选器图形处理完成。
- It is important to remember that if the filter graph does not work in GraphEdit, it's not going to work in your application either. 需要牢记的重要一点是,如果筛选器图形无法在GraphEdit中工作,它也无法在您的应用程序中工作。
- You have the option of using DirectX Media Object (DMO) instances inside a filter graph with the help of the DMO Wrapper filter. 您可以借助于DMO Wrapper筛选器在筛选器图形中使用DirectX媒体对象(DMO)实例。
- A more sophisticated solution is to listen for events from the Filter Graph Manager instance by using the following code. 更复杂的解决方案是使用以下代码侦听来自Filter Graph Manager实例的事件。
- Control the media flow by making high-level calls to the Filter Graph Manager instance, and respond to events that the Filter Graph Manager instance raises. 通过对Filter Graph Manager实例进行高级调用来控制媒体流,并响应Filter Graph Manager实例引发的事件。
- Note that the EC_COMPLETE event does not automatically stop the filter graph from processing, so it is good practice to stop the filter graph when this event is received. 请注意,EC_COMPLETE事件不会自动停止筛选器图形的处理,因此在接收到该事件时停止该筛选器图形是一个好做法。
- A message box appears to prevent the application from closing, but that does not affect the rendering of the video because the filter graph runs on a separate thread. 显示一个消息框以防止应用程序关闭,但这不会影响视频的呈现,因为筛选器图形运行在单独的线程上。
- A set of connected filters is called a filter graph, and Figure 18 shows a filter graph for playing a video file with sound. 一组连接的筛选器称为一个筛选器图形,图18显示一个用于播放带声音的视频文件的筛选器图形。
- Just as for the playback filter graphs, you start by creating a Filter Graph Manager instance. 就像对播放筛选器图形一样,首先创建一个Filter Graph Manager实例。
- Can't add Overlay Mixer filter to filter graph 无法将重叠混音器筛选器添加到筛选器图表
- Filter graph for video capture with sound 带有声音的视频捕获的筛选器图形
- An electrically produced graph or tracing. 电示图以电制作的图表或映描图
- You need to filter the drinking water. 你需要把饮用水过滤。
- A filter traps dust from the air. 过滤网可存住空气中的尘埃。
- The graph shows a bulge in the price of meat. 图表显示肉类价格上涨。
- The news of the defeat started to filter through. 战败的消息开始传出来。