- In 1995, Delos and Quisquaterpresented a signature scheme with bounded life-span, It can only used finite times and can not be used tocontrol the ability of multisignature. 1995年,Delos和QuisquateHM首次提出了一个签名方案; 在该方案中,签名者能且只能签发固定数目的消息,而且不能控制多重签名次数。
- We are only circling within a finite time and space, wandering along a tortuous path. 我们只是回旋在受局限的时空里,只是徘徊在曲折的小路上。
- The flow of heat requires finite time, so any process performed quickly enough will be practically adiabatic. 因为热流需一定的时间,所以足够快速进行的任一过程实际上都是绝热的。
- Finite Time State Feedback Controllers for a Class of Second Order Nonlinear Systems P. 一类二阶非线性系统的有限时间状态反馈控制器。
- Also it requires a finite time to stop the shuttle on the other side of the loom. 而在对侧也需要一定的时间使梭子静止下来(即梭子的制动)。
- A design scheme of the finite time convergence controller is given for nonholonomic systems with chained form. 本文研究链式非完整系统的有限时间收敛性控制器的设计问题。
- In video tracking, in order to achieve large numbers of operating processing in a finite time, some measures improving operating speed are needed. 摘要在视频跟踪中,为了在有限的时间内实现大量的运算处理,需要采取一些提高运算速度的措施。
- Using finite time control techniques for continuous systems, a continuous state feedback control law for trajectory tracking is developed. 利用该连续系统有限时间控制技术,设计一种连续的状态反馈跟踪控制算法。
- Another speculative type of machine would achieve extravagant computational abilities by cramming an infinite number of steps into a finite time. 另一种臆想的机器是,把无穷多个步骤全部挤进有限的时间里,以此得到恣意的计算能力。
- polynomial time bounded Turing reducibility 多项式时间吲灵归结
- At last we obtain the supremum estimation of the finite time ruin probability and the infinite time ruin probability in the third new risk model. 对第三类风险模型进行研究,得到了有限时间破产概率和终极时间破产概率的上界估计。
- The global existence and finite time blow-up of solutions on semilinear parabolic systems with nonlocal source have been studied by many authors. 非局部半线性抛物方程组解的整体存在和爆破已为大量作者研究。
- We all have finite time and energy. Any time we spend whining is unlikely to help us achieve our goals. And it won't make us happier. 他讲了许多;其中一条是:不要抱怨;不要顾影自怜;因为时不我待.;抱怨和自怜于事无补;只是浪费时间
- In this paper, we study the global existence and finite time blow up of the solutionfor a nonlinear degenerate parabolic equation with a non-local source. 本文研究了一类含非局部源的退化非线性抛物型方程的解的整体存在性和有限时刻爆破性质。
- For the controller design, a finite time dead-zone approach is applied, where initial rectified attractor is introduced and adopted for constituting the dead-zone. 在设计的控制器中,采用有限时间死区技术,以保证跟踪误差收敛到这种死区所确定的区域。
- Mingchu Gao, Jinchuan Hou, Finite time quadratic control for weakly regular linear systems, IMA J. of Math. Control and information, (2001) 18, 405---425. 高明杵,完全二阶抽象苛细问题的温和C-存在族和解空间,系统科学和数学,(2001)21,33---38。
- By comparison theorem and the upper-lower solution method, the conditions for the global existence and the finite time blow-up of solution to the system are established. 通过运用比较定理和构造上、下解方法,建立了该方程组解的整体存在和有限爆破的充分条件。
- Chen L, Wu C, Sun F. Finite time thermodynamic opti-mization or entropy generation minimization of energy systems [ J ] . J Non - Equilib Thermodyn, 1999, 24(4): 327-359. 严子浚;陈苏煌.;三热源泵热循环的最佳泵热率与供热系数间的关系[J]
- Based on the analysis of the real engine s working process,a new model of irreversible thermal cycle for heat engine is proposed by using the finite time thermodynamics. 在分析实际发动机工作过程的基础上,利用有限时间热力学理论方法,建立了一种新的不可逆热机热力循环模型。
- I'm bound to win a prize eventually, I'm just biding my time. 我最终必定会得奖,我正在等待时机。