- Fish Lips Steamed with Tuber 大头菜蒸鱼嘴
- After the rain,the boys blew off steam with a ball game. 雨停后,孩子们尽情地玩球。
- Here is another tuber with tuberous sclerosis. 另例结节性硬化症结节。
- I wish you happy and I hope you can put on steam with your dream. 我希望你开心然后我希望你能做美梦。
- Steamed Fish Lips with Black Bean Sauce 豉汁蒸鱼嘴
- After the rain, the boys blew off steam with a ball game. 雨停后,孩子们尽情地玩球。
- He gets up steam with study and catch up with the rest of his class. 他振作精神学习赶上了班的其他同学。
- Shark's fin, abalone, turtle rim, wild mushroom, grass mushroom, fish maw, quail egg, fish lips. 鱼翅,干鲍,群边,松茸,干草菇,鱼肚,鹌鹑蛋,鱼唇
- Herbs annual or perennial with tubers or rhizomes. 一年生或多年生草本具块茎或根状茎。
- A traditional North African dish consisting of pasta steamed with a meat and vegetable stew. 蒸粗麦粉食品一种北非传统菜,由肉、蔬菜根和粗面粉蒸成
- One of the famous dishes in Hangzhou is pork steamed with ground rice flour wrapped in lotus leaves. “荷叶粉蒸肉”是一道杭州名菜。
- The fish is not big, and it is steamed with complete fish with Chinese onion, jinger, and galic.The fish has fragrant and soft flesh even with sweet taste. 鱼个头不大,完全清蒸出来,葱姜蒜的味道一点点通过鱼皮渗入到鱼肉当中,淡淡的,香香的,肉质特别嫩滑甚至还带有一丝丝甜味儿,吃到最后恨不得连骨头也一把吞掉才肯罢休!
- None of the patients were associated with tuberous sclerosis. 大体上为境界清楚但无包膜的肿块。
- Letting off steam with friends can help one to get through the awkward period of unemployment. 朋友之间的互相打气,可以帮助毕业生度过失业的尴尬期,减低些许压力。
- White House Shark's Fin With Fish Lips 白楼鱼唇海虎翅
- Fish Lips and Goose Webs With Abalones Sauce 鲍汁鱼唇扣鹅掌
- Braised fish lips with duck sauce 鸭汁鱼唇
- Subshrubs, vines, or herbs perennial, with tuberous roots or creeping rhizomes. 半灌木,藤本植物,或者多年生草本,带有块茎状的根或者匍匐的根茎。
- Fried Fish Lips With Bitter Melon Sauce 苦瓜炒鱼唇
- Subependymal hemartomas are found in 95% of patients with tuberous sclerosis. 的结节硬化病人可见室管膜下错构瘤。