- Fita Bayissa 巴耶萨
- The Grand FITA Round will be adopted. 此次比赛采用的是国际淘汰制。
- Archers used to shoot a double FITA round of 288 total arrows,with the championship decided by the highest total score. 过去按照国际射箭联规定,射箭选手要进行双局288箭的比赛,总分最高者为冠军。
- Archers used to shoot a double FITA round of 288 total arrows, with the championship decided by the highest total score. 过去按照国际射箭联规定,射箭选手要进行双局288箭的比赛,总分最高者为冠军。
- The archery competition shall be organized in the ranking round (FITA 70m Round) and the Olympic round. 奥运会射箭比赛由排名赛(国际箭联70米轮赛)和奥林匹克轮赛两部分组成。
- Any athlete found to be using equipment contravening FITA Rules may have his or her scores disqualified. 选手被发现使用器材违反国际箭总规则,其得分可能会遭取消。
- This article lays down the type of equipment athletes are permitted to use when shooting in FITA competitions. 本条规则说明参加国际箭总比赛所允许使用之器材类别。
- World Records for the above distances may only be shot as part of the Individual FITA Round (144 arrows). 上述距离的世界纪录成立,必须是国际箭总全项单局(144箭)的其中一个距离比赛的纪录。
- The competition site will,according to FITA rules,be open for official practice one day before starting of the competition. 根据国际射箭联合会的规则,比赛用地可以在比赛开始前一天开放,供适应性训练使用。
- The competition site will,according to FITA rules,is open for official practice one day before starting of the competition. 根据国际射箭联合会的规则,比赛用地可以在比赛开始前一天开放,供适应性训练使用。
- The competition site will, according to FITA rules, be open for official practice one day before starting of the competition. 根据国际射箭联合会的规则,比赛用地可以在比赛开始前一天开放,供适应性训练使用。
- The FITA rules do not need to be changed because there is no specification for the color of any dividing rings. FITA will be testing the face before Athens. FITA原有的规则不需要改变,因为没有所谓划分环圈颜色的规格。在雅典奥运会之前我们也测试过了。
- La survivo de la most fita. 适者生存.
- FJC Comments: 78% of the judges gave the correct answer to this question regarding indoor scoring.This is probably due to the fact that indoor archery is not practiced by all FITA Member Associations. FITA裁判委员会注释:百分之七十八的裁判正确地回答此项有关室内赛记分的问题,原因可能由于并非所有国际箭联的会员均有举办室内射箭赛。
- FITA World Championship Field Round; FITA國際箭總世界原野射箭錦標賽。
- 2 To approve the official FITA publications; 2批准正式的國際射箭總會出版物;
- 18 meter FITA Indoor Round (60 arrows); 國際箭總室內18公尺局(60箭);
- Individual FITA 70 meters Round (72 arrows); 國際箭總70公尺雙局(72箭);
- Individual FITA 60 meters Round for Cadets (72 arrows); 國際箭總青少年60公尺雙局(72箭);
- 1 The FITA Judge Committee will appoint a Director of Shooting. 1國際箭總裁判委員會將指定一名射場指揮。