- Did you try to keep five precept since last course? 从上次课程之后,是否遵守五戒?
- Five precepts constitute the basic moral code of Buddhism. 五种戒律构成佛教的基本道德准则。
- Master even restated the five precepts and reminded us of their meanings again. 师父甚至念了五戒,再次提醒我们其意义。
- I give you only the Five Precepts, but the Bible has Ten Commandments so you have a choice. 我只教你们五戒,圣经却有十诫,你们可以自己选择。
- I just teach you simply. We have only the Five Precepts, and you have difficulty keeping them already. 我的教理比较单纯,才五戒而已,而你们就已经快守不住了!
- We should always uphold the Five Precepts - because they are the pre-requisites of a human life with endowments. 我们在一切时中都应该遵守五戒,它们是查验一个人是否够格为人的标准。
- And having three refuges and five precepts by the Grand Master was a very special moment. 得遇老和尚亲自传授三皈五戒,更是殊胜难得的时刻。
- This is where the five precepts come in: They are designed to heal these wounds and scars. 这便是五戒的用处所在:它们是为了治愈这些伤创与疤痕而设计的。
- Q: I saw in Your leaflet that there are five precepts. Once you are initiated, you have to live according to these five precepts? 问:我看到你们的传单上有五戒,一旦印心就要持五戒吗?
- A layperson is someone who believes in Buddhism, upholds the five precepts, and practices the ten good deeds and who has not left the home-life. 什么叫“居士”?居士,就是居家之士,也就是在家相信佛法的人,守持五戒奉行十善的人就叫居士。
- In addition to taking the Three Refuges, one should try to keep the Five Precepts concomitantly with the practice of Amidism. 三皈而外,应该最低限度遵守著五戒,作为念佛的助行。五戒就是不杀生、不偷盗、不邪淫、不妄语、不饮酒。
- In the evening, She repeated Her promise to give liberation in one life to any of us who sincerely practices the Quan Yin Method and keeps the five precepts properly. 晚间,师父又一次重覆了她的诺言,那就是她会给我们任何一个诚心修行观音法门而且持戒清楚的人一世解脱。
- The five precepts are the most fundamental rules that Buddhists should follow. They are: not killing, not stealing, not engaging in sexual misconduct, not lying and not consuming intoxicants. 五戒是佛教徒最根本要守的戒律,就是不杀生,不偷盗,不邪婬,不妄语,不饮酒。
- It's a tight squeeze to get five people in that small car. 五个人坐在那个小车子里真是太挤了。
- Brooklyn is one of the five boroughs of New York city. 布鲁克林区是纽约市的五个行政区之一。
- Let the tea leaves steep in boiling water for five minutes. 让茶叶在滚开的水中浸泡五分钟。
- Linda has to commute about five miles to the city. 玛丽每天得走约五英里的路去城里上班。
- Five pickets were injured in the scuffle. 在混战中有五名罢工纠察队员受伤。
- The audience was no less than five thousand. 听众有五千人之多。
- The audience was not less than five thousand. 听众至少也有五千人。