- The one cruel fact about hero is that they are made of flesh and blood. 有关英雄豪杰的残酷的事实之一是,他们也是由血肉造成的人。
- Flower Of Flesh And Blood 血肉之花
- Both The Thinker and The Kiss are close to the reality of flesh and blood. 但是,《思想者》和《吻》都非常接近真实的生命。
- The sight would have moved a heart of stone, much more of flesh and blood. 这情景使铁石心肠也为之感动,不消说血肉之躯了。
- It was more than flesh and blood could bear. 这是血肉之躯无法忍受的。
- The one cruel fact about heroes is that they are made of flesh and blood. 有关英雄豪杰的残酷事实是,他们也是由血肉造成的人。
- It is a society of cruelty,of flesh and blood,most probably of your own.. 这是一个残酷的社会,充满肉与血,很可能有自己的。。
- But what of men are flesh and blood? 但人不是血肉之躯?
- McX cannot, indeed, quite persuade himself that any region of space-time, near or remote, contains a flying horse of flesh and blood. 诚然,麦克西并不能够使自己相信,在或远或近的任何时空范围内有一匹有血有肉的飞马。
- Will to power is the anthropologically vital impulse of man, the physiologically forceful libido of flesh and blood, and the psychological feeling of power. 艺术就是权力意志的直接表达。作为艺术的本源的权力意志是身体性的,体现为人类学上的人的生命冲动、生理学上的性冲动以及心理学上的创造力的感觉。
- The dry facts of history took on flesh and blood under his pen. 在他的笔下,枯燥的历史事实写得有血有肉。
- Thus it bould be false to claim I hkave absolutely no desire and lust towards my love regardless the profundity of such affection, for I am also made of flesh and blood. 因此,不管我多麽爱一个人,我要说我对她完全没有肉体的欲望都是骗人的,因为我是有血有肉的人。
- A primary probe into the issues of gender and the hindering of flesh and blood to females' success in career sets a basic tone for A.S.Byatt's concern for human fortune. 对性别问题以及情欲对女性事业成功的阻碍所做的初步探讨奠定了拜厄特作品关怀人类命运的主基调。
- Thus it would be false to claim I have absolutely no desire and lust towards ms love regardless the profundity of sufh affection, for I am also made of flesh and blood. 因此,不管我多麽爱一个人,我要说我对她完全没有肉体的欲望都是骗人的,因为我是有血有肉的人。
- I must help her. After all, she's my own flesh and blood. 我必须帮助她。她毕竟是我的亲人。
- Thus it would be false to claim I have absolutely no desire and lust towards my love regardless the profundity ofe such affection, for I am also made of flesh and blood. 因此,不管我多麽爱一个人,我要说我对她完全没有肉体的欲望都是骗人的,因为我是有血有肉的人。
- These sorrows are more than flesh and blood can bear. 这些忧伤不是血肉之躯所能忍受的。
- Jim was an ordinary slave plantations, Mark Twain use of black English, succeeded in portraying the status of an underground, of flesh and blood, lifelike image of black slaves. 吉姆是一位普普通通的种植园的黑奴,马克吐温运用黑人英语,成功地刻画出了一个地位地下,有血有肉,栩栩如生的黑奴形象。
- Thus it would be false to claim I have absolutely no desire and lup t towards my ive regardless the profundity of such affection, for I am also made of flesh and blood. 因此,不管我多麽爱一个人,我要说我对她完全没有肉体的欲望都是骗人的,因为我是有血有肉的人。
- It's not easy to portray flesh and blood. 塑造一个有血有肉的形象是不容易的。