- It was the moving of hydrothermal of granite magma that caused enrichment of REE in tectonic rocks. 矿区强烈的花岗岩岩浆汽热活动造成构造岩的稀土明显富集。
- Beside fractional crystallization model,liquid immiscibility of Fluorine-rich granite magma is an important mechanism to form pegmatite and pegmatite type deposit. 除了结晶分异模式外,富氟花岗岩浆液态不混溶作用也是伟晶岩成岩成矿的重要机制。
- And then , the all specified parameters about lanthanon showed the granite magma had got through a perfect crystallization and diagenetic differentiation. 稀土元素方面,各特征参数均显示出岩体经历了完善的结晶分异过程,这为含矿热液的形成提供了良好前提条件。
- Au ores are generally enriched in the edges of abovementioned plates,intermediate-acid intrusive complex related to ore-forming resulted from anatectic granite magma. 金矿床多数产在主剪切带中,与成矿有关的中酸性侵入杂岩体多为深熔花岗岩浆产物,容矿构造往往为韧性剪切带或脆性构造破碎带内的片理化带。
- The typical granite bodies at each stage have been selected and the evolvement of granitic magma is studied by using the plagioclase crystal size stereologic method. 文章选取各期花岗岩中的主要岩体,应用斜长石粒度体视学方法研究了花岗质岩浆的演化。
- Results showed that the content of fluorine richness in leaves of Camellia sinensis was highly positively correlated with atmospheric fluorine concentration produced ... 茶树是高富集氟的植物,富集能力远高于一般植物,氟富集量可达每千克数十至数百毫克。
- The granitic magma is rising and diffusing with buoyancy and then in the form of diapire in upper crust which resulted in the extending orogeny. 在浮力作用下花岗岩浆不断上升扩张,在上地壳内以底辟形式就位,使上地壳产生伸展造山。
- The enclaves are remnants of rocks which partially melted to form granitoid magma. 包体为部分熔融形成寄主花岗岩岩浆的源区岩石残余。
- We should practice economy even if we are rich. 即使我们富裕了也仍应该厉行节约。
- The hydrothermal fluid and the spaces of ore-bodies in the deposit are provided by the granite magmas and the Permian period. 指出印支期白岗质花岗岩岩浆提供部分成矿物质,二叠系地层和花岗岩浸位提供热源和导矿、容矿空间。
- During the course of its thickening and the hydrothermal fluid enriching, the crust under the root of mountain is melting into some large granitic magma. 山根下部的地壳在增厚及热流体的不断富集过程中,导致重熔产生大量花岗岩浆。
- The genesis of tungsten ore is in affinity to granite magmatic activities in the third and forth periods of Yanshan circle. 钨矿化类型复杂,其中石英脉型钨矿是主要矿床类型。
- Fayalite-bearing quartz syenite could represent the early fractional stage initial granitic magma derived from Archean protolith in a deeper and reductive environment. 含铁橄榄石石英正长岩,代表了岩浆分离结晶初期还原条件下,太古代母岩派生的初始岩浆组成。
- She was possessed by the desire to be rich. 她被致富的欲望所支配。
- The rise of plutonic granitic magma was the basic heat source generating strong dynamometamorphism and one of the main factors that influenced dynamic deformation. 深成花岗岩浆隆升作用是发生强烈动力变质作用的基本热源并影响动力变形作用的主要因素之一。
- The metal-sulfide-enriched hydrothermal fluid and thermal power of the granitic magma provide energy and carrier for the activation and movement of gold element,... 岩浆中富金属硫化物的热液以及岩浆自身的热能,为地层和岩浆中金元素的活化和运移提供了能量和载体,对金起着捕获和富集的作用,有利于金矿床的形成。
- During the course of its thickening and the hydrothermal fluid enriching,the crust under the root of mountain is melting into some large granitic magma. 山根下部的地壳在增厚及热流体的不断富集过程中,导致重熔产生大量花岗岩浆。
- Tin-mineralized granitoids are widespread in Nanling region and were crystallized from granitic magma of different crustal evolutional periods or stages. 南岭中生代成锡花岗岩系花岗质岩浆多期或多阶段侵位和结晶的产物。
- Many distant relatives fawned on the rich old man. 许多的远亲都来巴结这位有钱的老人。
- The authors concluded that differentiation, liquation and self-metasomatism of granitic magma are main factors for tin-polymetallic mineralization in the area. 花岗质岩浆的分异、熔离、自交代作用是该区锡多金属矿床成矿的主因。