- Hence, whereas the other animals take delight in the objects of the senses only as ordered to food and sex. 因此,其他动物以感官对象为乐,只是为了填饱肚子和性行为。
- The revelations have been greeted with a Gallic shrug in France, where food and sex are national pastimes. 波巨斯的上述爆料,在饮食男女是国民休閒活动的法国,被认为没什麽大不了的。
- Art is about the most basic human desire, which may be as powerful as the need for food and sex - to transubstantiate yourself into something else. 艺术是关于人类最基本的欲望,像是食欲和性欲。
- Hating and refusing everything in the world, including food and sex, Lady A vomits whatever she has taken, as a result, she has to lives on medicines. 讨厌和拒绝世界上一切东西,包括食物和性,每吃下一点东西便全部吐了出来,仅靠药物维持生活。
- Susan you are offering this man food and sex in the same place. If there is something to read in the loo, he may never leave. 你要同时为这个男人提供食物和做爱。如果卫生间里有(情)志,他永运不会离开。
- The sand blew into the food and made it gritty. 砂吹进食物中,里边尽是砂子。
- Food and rent nibbled at the money they had saved. 食品和租金蚕食着他们的积蓄。
- We cannot survive for long without food and drink. 我们没有食物和饮料就活不了多久。
- They are short of food and clothes. 他们缺吃少穿。
- She set the food and drink before the guest. 她把菜和酒摆到客人面前。
- His curses and sex stories sounded round the clock. 他一天到晚就是骂人话和色情故事。
- The management will provide food and drink. 管理部门将供应饮食。
- He's pretty well off for food and drink. 他的食物和酒储存充裕。
- The worst ones can propagate crime and sex. 下焉者诲盗诲淫,
- Air, food and water are indispensable to life. 空气,食物,水皆为生命不可缺者。
- People should be hired regardless of race and sex. 雇用人员应没有种族、性别的差异。
- We are well provided with food and clothing. 我们衣食无缺。
- Write down your name, age and sex. 把你的姓名、年龄和性别写下来。
- Food and fuel were scarce in this region. 这地区食物和燃料都很缺乏。
- It is independent of age and sex. 它和年龄、性别无关。