- Food preservative has been the one hot spot of food sciences. 食品防腐剂一直是食品科学的研究热点。
- Shanxi Otefu Food Science and Technology Co. Ltd. 山西奥特福食品科技有限公司。
- Why is food science the ‘baddie' for consumers? 为什么食品科学变成了消费者心中的“坏人”?
- Nutrition and Food Sciences graduates can apply their training in food marketing, food trade and restaurant management. 培养学生具有食品营销、食品贸易、餐饮管理的技能。
- A super-mango - perfect in taste and able to fight diabetes - will be created by scientists at Coopers Plains' new food sciences complex. 在澳大利亚库柏平原的新食品复合科学研究所里,科学家们将要开发一种可口的、可以治疗糖尿病的超级芒果。
- A network of food science experts are working on this currently. 现在一个食物科学专家的组织正在处理这一问题。
- Nutrition and Food Sciences graduates can choose appropriate methods to describe food component properties and structure, can apply their training in food chemistry, food analysis, food safety analysis. 培养学生熟练掌握食品化学成分和结构、食品分析、卫生检验的技能。
- Protein emulsion system is one of the important systems in food science. 蛋白质乳浊液体系是食品中最重要的体系之一。
- For progression onto Biological Sciences, Biomedical sciences, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Food Science, Environmental Science, etc. 生物工程,生物医学工程,化学,化学工程,食品科学,环境科学等。
- Nutrition and Food Sciences graduates can survey and evaluate the impact of food industry practices on the quality of foods, and apply training in food production management. 培养学生具备食品生产品质监督和管理的技能。
- School of Light Industry and Food Sciences LIFS 轻工与食品学院
- School of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science, Zhejiang University All Rrights Reserved. 技术支持:印派设计。
- Nutrition and Food Sciences graduates can conduct nutrition survey, assess diets and nutrition status, prepare foods to meet the nutritional needs, and implement nutrition education. 培养学生具备营养调查、营养咨询、营养调配和营养教育的技能。
- How long will our food supplies hold out? 我们的储粮还能维持多久?
- The internationalization of the food science and technology periodicals is irreversible. 摘要食品类科技期刊国际化是时代发展不可逆转的潮流。
- Humber Vega mercado, Joseph R Powers, et al.Journal of Food Science, 1995, 60(5) : 1143. 何熙胡飞.;高压电场对毛霉蛋白酶活力的影响及应用于腐乳催熟[J]
- IFT publishes various resources for the food industry, including Food Technology and the Journal of Food Science . IFT为食品工业提供各种各样的资源,包括食物技术和食物科学。
- Built Environment, Planning, Landscape Architecture, optometry, Mining Engineering, Food Science and Technology. 环境工程,规划,园林设计,验光,采矿工程,食品科学与技术。
- Salt is a common food preservative. 盐是一种常用的食物防腐剂。