- Foolish business investment 愚蠢事业投资
- MESBIC - minority enterprise small business investment company. 少数民族小型企业投资公司。
- Jiadajiamei International Business Investment Consulting Co. 加达加美国际商务投资咨询公司。
- Which would remove uncertainty that is holding back business investment plans. 那将会耽误已把握住的后面的生意投资的不确定计划?
- Manufacturing accounted for 36% of business investment in the last fiscal year. 在上一个财年,制造业占商业投资的36%25。
- The Fed chairman was more upbeat on business investment, which he said remained on a solid upward trend. 这位美联储主席对企业投资更乐观,称企业投资趋势在稳步上扬。
- With offices all over the world, IFA can help you determine the best environment for your business investment. 凭借我们在世界各地的办公室,法国政府投资部能帮助你决定你商务投资的最好环境。
- The World Bank's authors think only a third of remittances go on education, savings and business investment. 世界银行的作者认为只有三分之一的金钱投向了教育、储蓄和商业投资。
- Right now, the biggest problem facing our economy is plunging business investment. 当前我们经济面临的最大问题是商业投资的大幅下降。
- Business investment plunged 38% during the quarter as companies delayed outlays to save cash and ride out the downturn. 一季度,随着企业推迟开支以节省资金度过衰退,企业投资下降了38%25。
- Investment costs are Iow,a broad appreciation of the space business investment protection zero risk............. {强大的品牌战略;巨额的广告支持保障投资经营零风险......
- In the idea of the code of moral criterion consist in in business investment, regulations, system and social community. 企业投资中的道德准则存在于法规、规章、制度和社会公众的观念中。
- At the same time, and Michael Adolf business investment company also has been litigation. 与此同时,与麦道夫有业务往来的投资公司也遭到了诉讼。
- Deflationary pressure has increased to consumption and business investment will be adversely affected. 通货紧缩压力加大,对居民消费和企业投资都将产生不利影响。
- Rick be foolish to be take in by her. 雷克愚蠢地被她所骗。
- The foolish boy flout his mother's advice. 这个愚蠢的孩子轻视他母亲的劝告。
- It's foolish to idle away one's precious time. 把大好时光浪费掉是愚蠢的。
- They all jeer at the foolish speaker. 他们都嘲笑那个愚蠢的演说者。
- Business investment in equipment and software was also up smartly, and the economy benefited from a spurt in federal government defence spending. 此外,企业在设备和软件方面的投资也明显增长,联邦政府国防支出的激增也推动了经济增长。克里斯
- It is foolish to buy a car without a warranty. 购买没有保单的汽车是愚蠢的。