- Jim have not hold down a job for more than a year. 没有一份工作吉姆能保住一年。
- Jim has not held down a job for more than a year. 没有一份工作吉姆能保住一年。
- I have been in Beijing for more than a year. 我来北京一年多了。
- The tense relations lasted for more than a year. 这样的紧张关系持续了一年多。
- The house has been in my charge for more than a year. 这幢房子已由我照管一年有余了。
- They have been drilling that well for more than a year. 那口井他们已经钻了一年多了。
- For more than a year we have suffered the indignity. 在一年多的时间里,我们丢尽了丑。
- The house has been in my charge now for more than a year. 这所房子由我负责管理已有一年多了。
- I have not set foot in Japan for more than a year, I love Japa... 我们固然贪生怕死;而更害怕的,是到死的时候,回头发觉自己的爱情原来很马虎。...
- Turkey for more than a year has mediated between Yel Tel Aviv and Damascus. 土耳其用了一年多的时间调解特拉维夫和大马士革的关系。
- Some recruits of Seriatopora hystrix did not grow for more than a year. 同时尖枝列孔珊瑚幼生有部份幼生在一年内几乎没有增长。
- It could have been sold for more than a year's wages and the money given to the poor."And they rebuked her harshly. 这香膏可以卖三十多两银子周济穷人。”他们就向那女人生气。
- For more than a year, BASF' s Chinese branch has been trying to translate these values into the Chinese context. 巴斯夫在中国的分公司花了一年多的时间尝试将这些价值理念引入中国。
- My aunt stayed here for more than a week. 我姑妈在这儿待了一个多星期。
- In Lugang, Changhua, Tzu Chi volunteer Wu Mingtu has been unemployed for more than a year. 彰化鹿港有位慈济志工吴明土已经失业一年多,没有自暴自弃,他选择到静思堂付出;
- The swimmer can remain under for more than a minute. 这位游泳者能在水下呆1分多钟。
- There are 14 of them, and they have failed to nab a single poacher for more than a year. 他们有14人,并且他们花费了一年多的事件都无法逮捕到仅一个非法偷猎者。
- If you take a deep breath you can stay under for more than a minute. 只要深吸一口气就能在水里待上一分多钟。
- We've written to each other for more than a year and at last we meet face to face. 我们已互相通信一年有余,最后我们见面了。
- The girl had been pining over her dead cat for more than a week now. 这女孩为她死去的猫伤心已一个多星期了。