- Force Structure Increase 部队结构扩编
- Following the enlargement of the dip angle of the rock structure of the pressure of the surrounding rock and the internal force of the lining structure increase all the time. 最后详尽地阐述了在不同岩层倾角状况下,围岩压力与衬砌结构内力分布特征,即围岩压力与衬砌结构受力随岩层倾角的增大而增大。
- No need for the force structure, but expendable supplies. 部队建制不需要金,但是消耗补给。
- There is no substitute for preparedness.There has to be the political will to pay for an effective force structure. (平时的战训准备是至极重要、无可替代的,而中日双方的政治因素对此都带来了显著的影响力。
- Even with consolidation of ground force assets into fewer units, the army remains so large as to impede rapid equipment modernization throughout its force structure. 即使是在把地面力量合并成不多的几支部队后,陆军仍然过于庞大,以至于阻碍了整个军队结构实现快速的装备现代化。
- The number of cities selected for the pilot project to optimize the capital structure increased from 58 to 111. 优化资本结构试点城市由58个扩大到111个。
- The indicators, which are used as the measurement of the independent variables, are the doctrine, roles and missions, budget, force structure and the organizational change of the US airforce. 而测量依变项的指标则包括美国空军的基本准则、角色与任务、预算、兵力结构及组织变化等。
- The latticeconstant of metal crystallites like FCC, BCC structure increases with the decreasing of the grain size. 发现对于FCC、BCC结构的金属晶体来说,晶河北师范大学硕士研究生论文格常数随着晶粒线度的减小而减小。
- Abstract: The development of Chinese economy has come into the stage of structural adjustment.The structural increase in the economy demands more liquidity of the dements. 摘 要: 我国经济增长进入了结构性调整阶段,经济的结构性增长对要素流动性提出了更高要求,通过企业重组实现国有资产(股权)的流动是我国经济实现结构性增长的客观需要。
- Disintegrator: Cost/Build time increased by 33% to 400/4. Speed increased by 23%. Takes 20% less damage from gun and attack power against structure increased by 30%. 分解者:价格和制造时间增加33%25(%24400/4秒),速度增加23%25,受到枪械伤害减少20%25并且增加30%25对建筑物伤害。
- The paper introduced two kinds of separator in tank, presented a finite element analysis for their forced structure, point out the weak part. 摘要介绍了储罐的两种隔板形式,对其受力结构分别进行了有限元分析,指出了强度薄弱部位。
- It is concluded that the integral seism-resistance performance of the mega-frame structure increases greatly comparing with that of the common frame shear structure. 结论表明,巨型框架结构的整体抗震性能较普通框剪结构有较大提高;
- Director of the Center for Force Structure, 战力构成·要求·资源·战略评价中心主任
- Grouping and grading the load to analyze the reinforced structure was brought forward to analyzed several T-beams by CFRP was which was a second forced structure. 表明在碳纤维端部采用一定的过渡段,可以缓和碳纤维布端部胶结层应力集中现象。
- Force Structure Requirements Study 部队编制需求研究
- It is vain to attempt to root out heresy by force. 试图用暴力消除异端邪说是徒劳的。
- Napoleon conquered by the force of an iron will. 拿破仑攻无不克靠的是坚强的意志。
- Logistics Force Structure Management System 后勤部队结构管理系统
- The severity of injury of membranous structures increased with the time prolonging of photosensitizer action. 上述膜性结构的损伤随着光敏剂作用时间延长而加重。
- But they refused to bow to force. 但他们拒不向武力低头。