- Forces Study Centre 部队研究中心
- Director, APEC Study Centre, the University of Hong Kong. 香港大学亚太经济合作研究中心主任。
- English Language and Foundation Studies Centre. 还有语言中心和预科中心。
- Shenzhen teachers arrived Peter Scott Field Study Centre at Mai Po Nature Reserve. 深圳老师到达米埔自然保护区斯科特野外研习中心。
- Executive Director, Humanistic Olympics Studies Centre at Renmin University. 中国人民大学人文奥运研究中心执行主任。
- The site of the Mai Po car park and Peter Scott Field Studies Centre before construction. 辟建米埔停车场及斯科特野外研习中心前的原址旧貌。
- Teachers can also contact our Island House Conservation Studies Centre for CD-ROM loan. 教师也可联络本会的元洲仔自然环境保护研究中心借用本光碟。
- A recent Air Force study indicated the fleet could stay in service beyond 2050 because of the investment made when the airframes were refurbished during production. 美国空军一份近期研究指出,由于在生产中对机身进行了翻新,同时投资到位,因此该机型将持续服役至2050年后。
- Please send the Application Form to: Address: Peter Scott Field Studies Centre, Mai Po Nature Reserve, San Tin, Yuen Long, N.T. 请把申请表邮寄至新界元朗新田米埔自然保护区斯科特野外研习中心。
- More opportunities should be given for academic exchanges between Canadian study centres. 为各加拿大研究中心提供更多的学术交流的机会。
- That raises a big question about how America pulls itself out of this mess, according to Geoffrey Garrett of the US Studies Centre in Sydney. 这场危机也暴露出美国的另一个问题,就是如何才可以从这混乱的系统中脱身,悉尼美国研究中心的杰佛瑞.加勒特教授分析说。
- Lancaster University International Study Centre 兰卡斯特大学国际学习中心
- University of Sussex International Study Centre 萨塞克斯大学国际学习中心
- The Peter Scott Field Studies Centre was opened in 1990 to provide convenient accommodation for WWF Hong Kong members wishing to come to the Mai Po Nature Reserve. 斯科特野外研习中心于1990落成启用,为到访米埔自然保护区的世界自然基金会会员提供住宿设施。
- Large air and navel forces were set into action. 庞大的空军和海军部队开始行动了。
- The APC is the third overseas Chinese Studies centre of the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange, and also its first centre in the Asia-Pacific region. 亚太汉学中心是蒋经国国际学术交流基金会第三所海外汉学研究中心,亦是整个亚太区的第一所。
- Dispersion of forces led up to the defeat. 分散兵力是导致失败的原因。
- A scientist should dispassionately study the forces at work. 科学家应该冷静地研究各种交互作用的力量。
- A new Canadian Studies Centre was opened on March 3, 2006 at Southwest University (SWU) by Ambassador Wright, who jointly officiated with SWU's President Dr. 2006年3月3日,西南大学加拿大研究中心成立。
- A review is given on the development of single molecule polymer force studies by AFM-based SMFS in recent years. 概述了近年来利用基于原子力显微镜的单分子力谱研究单个高分子分子内及分子间作用力的进展。