- The picture shows the Maldivian Foreign Affairs Ministry Building. 图为马尔代夫外交部大楼。
- "It's an open agenda," said Foreign Affairs Ministry spokesman Kitti Wasrinond. 不过,泰国军事政府保证实行民主,且允诺在一年内举行大选,以还政于民。
- The Maldivian Foreign Affairs Ministry Building, aided by the Chinese government, with its sailboat shape, has become the beautiful scenery in Male. 中国政府援建的马尔代夫外交部大楼,其帆船造型与马尔代夫旖旎的风光相互辉映,成为首都马累一道靓丽的风景。
- The staff for the NIA numbers some 2,300. Many employees from the Foreign Affairs Ministry and the Foreign Affairs Police were transferred into the NIA. 内政部入出国及移民署共有2,300位员工,而多数的人原本是在外交部领事事务局与警察局外事课/科任职。
- A statement from the country's foreign affairs ministry says Prime Minister Meles Zenawi expressed shock and sadness over the crash, which took place after the Boeing 737 took off from Beirut. 埃塞俄比亚外交部在一份声明中说,总理梅莱斯对坠机事件表示震惊和悲痛。这架波音737飞机从贝鲁特起飞后不久坠毁。政府还下令全国降半旗。
- Director of information department of foreign affair ministry held a press conference, narrated the external policy of our country and responded some questions raising by home and overseas reporter. 外交部新闻司司长举行新闻发布会;讲述我国对外政策;并回答了中外记者提出的一些问题.
- Kamyao and his entourage, were invited by the Foreign Ministry for a visit to China and arrived on August 29th to carry out political consultations between the two countries' foreign affair ministries. 加米奥一行是应外交部邀请于八月二十九日来华访问和进行两国外交部间政治磋商的。
- After the war he was translated to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 战后,他被调到外交部工作。
- Mr. Oliver occupies an important position in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 奥利佛先生在外交部充任要职。
- Foreign affairs are his strong point. 外交事务是他的特长。
- Each Ministry of Foreign Affairs lodged a protest with the other. 双方外交部向对方外交部提出抗议。
- I have got an interview with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 我已获得外交部的面试。
- After the war he is translate to the ministry of foreign affairs. 战後,他被调到外交部工作。
- He made outstanding contributions in the realm of foreign affairs. 他在外交领域作出了卓越贡献。
- A minister of foreign affairs has to have tact. 外交部长必须机智老练。
- I am a government employee. I work for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 我是公务员,我为外交部工作。
- He's thinking how he should approach the ministry of Foreign affairs. 他正在考虑该怎样去和外交部接洽。
- He is a minister of foreign affairs. 他是外交部长。
- The picture shows the building of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Benin. 图为刚刚竣工的外交部大楼。
- Mr. Johnson is the Minister of Foreign Affairs. 约翰逊先生是外交部长。