- Foreign report compares what be coffee, chocolate, banger and milk products and so on more to cause an element. 国外报道比较多的为咖啡、巧克力、香肠和奶制品之类的诱发因素。
- Savimbi Dingding: Many foreign reporters have asked me this question. 萨顶顶:国外很多记者也问我这个问题。
- Foreign reporters were barred from the launch base near the former Silk Road oasis of Jiuquan. 国外记者被拒绝在曾经是丝绸之路的酒泉发射基地外。
- Foreign reporters have been allowed into affected areas without hindrance by officials. 外国记者可以在没有官方阻碍的情况下进驻灾区。
- Foreign reporter said that while uses the hand to gesticulate watch tower structure thickness. 外国记者边说边用手比划着岗台的厚度。
- Foreign reports medication could reduce rest pain and intermittent claudication, and promote ulcer healing. 国外报道服药后能减轻静息痛和间歇性跛行,促进溃疡愈合。
- On-site with translations for foreign reporters and accurate understanding of the expert explained. 现场配有翻译,便于外国记者准确理解专家解释。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。
- Foreign reporters have been subjected to harassment and prevented from filming in certain places. 外国记者已经因深入报道特定的地域而遭到非礼和阻止。
- Zenit and after the match, many foreign reporters have been asking: "Schuster is an old play, this is the only one? 与泽尼特赛后,许多国外记者纷纷打听:“舒斯特尔是老玩这招还是仅此一次?”
- As Chinese tourists took photos of each other, plainclothes security agents took photos of a foreign reporter. 就在中国游客互相拍照留念的同时,一位外国记者也被“便衣”拍了照。
- Also at the news conference was a senior engineer who accused foreign reports of demonizing China and exaggerating problems at the dam. 中国工程院院士潘家铮也出席了此次记者会。他指责西方媒体大搞妖魔化、夸大了三峡大坝的问题。
- University President Hiroshi Komiyama revealed the draft plan in a recent news conference held for foreign reporters in Tokyo. 东大校长小宫山宏在近期的外国记者新闻发布会上公布了上述计划。
- Conclusion HNPCC had special clinicopathologic characteristics and the frequency of HNPCC here was similar to the foreign reports. 结论HNPCC具有特殊的临床病理特点,本组HNPCC在结肠癌中的比例与国外资料类似。
- But in recent days, the Chinese authorities have detained (and sometimes harassed) many foreign reporters who have tried to get to these areas. 但是最近;中国政府仍然扣留了(甚至袭击)许多试图要进入这些地方的外国记者.
- The government on Wednesday rejected as "groundless" foreign reports labeling China as the origin of the swine flu outbreak. 政府周三回应了外国一些关于猪流感来源于的中国无根据的报告。
- Daily practice is the trick in learning a foreign language. 每天练习是学会一门外语的诀窍。
- GM executives, who spoke during the two-day briefing of foreign reporters in Shanghai, gave every impression they barely had time to contemplate the overcapacity issue. 这次在上海针对外国记者召开的通气会为期两天。会上通用汽车的总裁们作了发言。人们明显感到,他们根本没有时间考虑产能过剩的问题。
- And foreign reporters operating in the disaster zone have been roughed up, a measure of the stability-obsessed government's sensitivity to both protest and criticism. 而在灾区活动的外国记者也遭到了殴打。痴迷于政局稳定的政府对抗议和犯罪行为都十分敏感。
- Comrade small fire to be 14 on Month 6 (Sunday) at 4 pm in the Forum in Beijing, Shandong Province held a press conference Barilla tea, welcome Chinese and foreign reporters. **同志拟于6月14日(星期日)下午4时在山东人在北京论坛百味茶馆举行新闻发布会,欢迎中外记者参加。