- Appreciation and Criticism of Foreign Literature II. 外国文学欣赏与批评2。
- You can't fully appreciate foreign literature in translation. 看翻译作品很难欣赏到外国文学的精髓。
- Foreign literature criticism 外国文学批评
- Harold Bloom,American present age renowned literature critic. 哈罗德·布鲁姆,美国当代著名文学批评家。
- You can't really appreciate foreign literature in translation. 看翻译作品不能真正欣赏到外国文学原著的美妙之处。
- Regarding it as a special form of literary criticism , my thesis studies thoroughly Chinese foreign literary history to find out the Chinese reception of foreign literature. 并通过对不同时期的外国文学史教材中具体作家、思潮、流派的评介的研究,探究其中反映的我国对外国文学思想的接受。
- Foreign literature and painting were slowlyfiltering in. 外国文学和绘画作品慢慢传入。
- Foreign literature and painting were slowly filtering in. 外国文学和绘画作品慢慢传入。
- It strongly proves that Wen Xin Diao Long can be comparable to any outstanding literature criticism in history. 它有力地证明:《文心雕龙》完全可以和世界历史上任何一部杰出的文论名著媲美。
- Zhang Guofeng. A visit to Jrgen Habermas. Foreign Literature Review, 2000(1). 章国锋.;哈贝马斯访谈录[J]
- Jin Shentan?s literature criticism had made a very deep influence on the Japanese literature in Edo times. 金圣叹的文学批评 ,对日本的江户文学产生了不可忽视的影响。
- This text, "To Discuss Ming age Dramatic And Drawing Criticism By Shyu-Wey Literature Criticism". 在画史上,徐渭的创作观与手法,亦影响了八大山人、石涛、扬州八怪、吴昌硕、齐白石等人。
- Feminine consciousness is one of the major criteria for feminine literature criticism. 摘要女性意识是女性文学批评的重要标准之一。
- Li Chong was a famous writer, literature critic and bibliographer in DongJin Dynasty. 李充是东晋著名文学家、文论家、目录学家。
- As an ideological trend, the feminism broadens the space of literary writing and the horizon of literature criticism. 作为文学思潮的女性主义,则拓宽了文学创作的空间和文学批评的视野。
- The poetical talks is a special type of literature criticism, after it went to Japan, the Japanese scholars created a lot of Japanese poetical talks. 摘要诗话是我国一种独具特色的论诗体裁,传入日本以后受到了日本学者的广泛关注,创作了不少日本诗话。
- Finally, also discussed China Foreign Literature Studies, and is this an academic tradition of the modern paradox. 本文最后还讨论了中国文学研究的异域影响,以及此一学术传统中的现代悖论。
- Postcolonial literature criticism, which emerged from postcolonial theory, represents a new approach for literary readings. 从后殖民理论思潮中衍生出来的后殖民文学批评,昭示了文学作品阅读的崭新视角。
- His Works of the Modern ChineseLiterature embodies his theory and method of literature criticism,and in critic styles,he hasspecial distinctiveness and creativity. 茅盾的中国现代作家作品论集中体现了他的文学批评的理论与方法,在批评文体上又独具特色和创新性。
- Social utilitarianism,mainstream monopolization,and multi-culture are the characteristics of Chinese literature criticism of 20th century. 20世纪中国文学批评的特点是社会功利性、主流垄断性和多元并存性。