- inherit the past and forge ahead into the future 承前启后, 继往开来
- Xunzi, a great political thinker in ancient China, is reputed as a master of carrying forward the cause and forging ahead into the future. 摘要荀子在中国传统政治思想发展的进程中发挥了重大作用,是继往开来的一代大师。
- Wang Fu-zhi earned forward the cause and Wang Guo-wei forged ahead into the future, making the classical poetry theory "Artistic Conception" still radiates vigour today. 王夫之继往,王国维开来,使意境这一古老诗歌审美范畴至今仍焕发着鲜活的生命色彩。
- Carry forward the cause and forge ahead into the future to better serve the radio management in new the era 继往开来更好地服务于新时期的无线电管理工作
- Carry Forward the Cause and Forge Ahead Into the Future to Promote Healthy Development of Small and Medium Sized Sci-Tech Enterprises 继往开来共同推进我国科技型中小企业发展
- Carry Forward the Cause and Forge Ahead into the Future--In Commemoration of the 65th Anniversary of the People's Cause of Broadcasting 继往开来--纪念人民广播事业65周年
- Carry forward the cause, forge ahead into the future, keep pace with the time and endeavor to open up a new prospect of radio management 继往开来与时俱进努力开创无线电管理工作新局面
- Forge ahead into the future 继往开来更上层楼
- Inherit the past and usher in the future, carry forward the cause and forge ahead into the future, steadily promote hydrological modernization--Review and expectation of hydrological work in Guangxi 承前启后继往开来稳步推进广西水文现代化--广西水文工作回顾与展望
- Forming a connecting link between the preceding and the following, carrying forward the causes and forge ahead into the future--Shiprepair Technolgy Committee of congratulating the 20th anniversary 承上启下继往开来--庆贺修船技术学术委员会20华诞
- Carrying forward the Cause and Forging ahead into the Future, Taking Advantage of a Favorable Situation to Do Forest Fire Prevention in a Stalemate Phase with All One's Strength 继往开来乘势而上全力做好相持阶段森林防火工作
- This is the congress of carry forward the cause and forge ahead into future, it is Chinese Communist phylogeny go up and one of process of our country modernization new milepost. 这是继往开来的大会,是中国共产党发展史上和我国现代化建设进程中的一个新的里程碑。
- Francisco was staring ahead into the darkness. 弗朗西斯科凝视着漆黑的前方。
- look back to the past and ahead into the future 后顾与前瞻
- Arrived 1999 2001, it is to span two centuries, bear before after opening, 3 years of carry forward the cause and forge ahead into future, also be the lieutenancy of current team 3 years. 1999年到2001年,是跨越两个世纪,承前启后,继往开来的三年,也是本届班子的任期三年。
- She claims to see into the future. 她声称能预见未来。
- If we could see far into the future! 要是我们可以看到遥远的未来该有多好呀!
- Hannah Jones looks into the future of futurology. 未来学 汉纳 琼斯展望未来学的发展
- Had they but been able to see into the future. 要是他们能看到未来的情况就好了。
- The horse forged ahead the lead in the homestretch. 那匹马在最后阶段突然加速跑到前面。