- Forgot User ID or password? 忘记用户号码或密码?
- Button and try entering a different User ID or Password, to see the error page. 按钮,并尝试输入不同的用户标识或密码,以查看出错页面。
- Any other user ID or password will result in an error from the authorization service. 其他用户ID或密码会造成来自验证服务的错误。
- You shall have no rights, title, interests over your Account, User ID or Password. 对于您的账户,用户名或密码,您将没有任何权利、资格、和权限。
- FSPL shall not be liable to you or any third party for any termination, deactivation or deletion of your Account, User ID or Password or the contents of the Account. IFPL将不会就任何终止,解除或删除您的账户,用户名或密码或账户内容对您或任何第三方负责。
- Allows a network user to access the database for this connection without supplying a separate User ID or password because these are obtained from the Windows NT network security process. 允许网络用户在不另外提供用户ID或密码的情况下访问此连接的数据库,原因是这些信息可从Windows NT网络安全进程获得。
- Don't use a silly, grandiose user ID or screen name. 不要使用愚蠢的,哗众取宠的ID或昵称。
- Forgot your user name or password? 忘记您的用户名或密码了?
- Game Flier will not take responsibilities if the Account ID or Password of member has been abused due to member negligence to secure them. 游戏弗利尔将不会采取责任,如果该帐户ID或密码的会员已被滥用,由于会员疏忽,以确保他们。
- Forgot your Username or Password? 如果忘记密码点这里?
- Select the Forgot Password link at the top of the page. You will be prompted to enter your User ID and e-mail address. 于页首选取忘记密码连结,你将会被要求输入使用者ID及电邮地址。
- Enter initial user ID and password. 输入初始用户ID和口令。
- Forgot your member name or password? 忘记了用户名或者密码?
- Enter your user ID and password; then, click Login. 输入用户ID和口令,然后单击[Login]。
- Make sure you use the same user ID and password as in step 1. 确保使用与步骤1相同的用户ID和密码。
- The user ID and password of slc and slc were already in the table. 这样,用户ID slc和密码slc便已经在表中。
- E_unknownUser: (10150) Signifies that the user ID and password pair passed in a get_authToken message is not known to the Operator Site or is not valid. E_unknownUser: (10150) 表示通过get_authToken传入操作入口站点(Operator Site)的用户ID及密码无法识别或无效。
- Current user : Please login with your PolyU ID or e-mail address. 现有用户:请输入你的大学编号或电邮地址登入系统。
- The account name may also be called the user ID, or the login name. 账户名也被叫做"用户ID",或"登录名"。
- Your username or password was incorrect. 你的用户名或密码不正确。