- Former residence of Song Ziwen 原宋子文公馆
- Former Residence of Zhang Zongxian. 张宗祥故居。
- The Former Residence of Pollard. 伯格理故居遗址。"
- Reporters learned that the renovation of the Former Residence of Jia Yi is preliminarily scheduled to start in 2004. 据悉,贾谊故居初步拟于2004年开始修复。
- Former residence of Mao Dun. Now it's No.6, Lane 132, Shanyin Road. It's the Mao Dun's third residence in Hongkou. 茅盾寓所:现山阴路132弄6号,系茅盾在上海虹口第三寓所。
- I have been to Marx's birthplace city of Trier, and also visit the former residence of Marxism. 我曾到过马克思的出生地特里尔城,并造访马克思的故居。
- Our hotel is located in the heart of Braunschweig, the historic Welf metropolis and former residence of Henry the Lion. 请放心预订,我们的系统绝对安全。所有个人资料会经过加密处理编成密码。我们十分尊重您的隐私。您的个人资料只会用来预订房间。
- Former Residence of Chen Ci Yu-hon, it will open in the Chaozhou-Shantou Chaoshan Ren and cultural Secret. 游陈慈黉故居,将为人们揭开潮汕人与潮汕文化的秘密。
- However, the former residence of Ji Xiaolan retained after all, even though only a Jinyuan La. 但是,纪晓岚故居终归保留了下来,尽管只剩下了一进院落。
- Qianjiadian depression in the former residence of sand is still between ancestors left more than a broken tile-roofed house. 在钱家沙洼故居仍是祖上留下的十余间破瓦房。
- It abuts on the Former Residence of Sun Zhongshan and Revival Park.It is a century-old school with profound cultural deposits. 现有22个教学班,学生628名,教职工100名,其中高级教师10名,中级教师53名,区学科带头人1名,并曾有三位特级教师在学校任教过。
- The former residence of Lord Kitchener, rebuilt to a new magnificence, Wildflower Hall recreates the grand style of the colonial era. 在勋爵故居,重建一个新的辉煌,野花大厅重现了殖民时代的伟大风格。
- The show was a miscellany of song and dance. 那场演出是又有歌曲又有舞蹈的混合表演。
- Visit famous the former residence of Mozart, foodstuff bystreet, Mozart bridge, leishideng square, view the famous palace in revival of learning and Limate river. 大厦等著名景点。后前往萨尔斯堡。参观早有耳闻的莫扎特故居、粮食胡同、莫扎特桥、雷士登广场、市区内观光沿途观看有名得文艺复兴式宫殿及利马特河。
- The school is located at the graceful Sinan Road.It abuts on the Former Residence of Sun Zhongshan and Revival Park.It is a century-old school with profound cultural deposits. 学校地处环境高雅的思南路,毗邻孙中山故居、复兴公园,是一所具有深厚人文底蕴的百年老校。
- Museum of Art, the Museum of New Castle Weser, Gerhard - and Paola Marquez’s former home - Becker - Modeersong former residence of the important works on display. 州政府称为“市政府”,市政府主席即州长。每年2月份的第二个星期五,德国社会名流被邀请到不来梅市政厅参加船员和船主们传统的“聚餐”。
- I think you're forgetting the kinkiest former resident of that room. |我想你大概忘了 在客房里住过的所有人里面,谁是最变态的?
- Be wary of song sharks when you go to Nashville. 你去纳什威尔时要小心专门诈骗歌手的人。
- Former Residence of Xu Zhimo. 徐志摩故居。
- Being in especial love of Song poems, Mr. 钱先生对宋诗情有独钟,有《宋诗选注》在焉。