- How Do Antiresorptive Agents Reduce Fracture Risk? 抗吸收药如何减少骨折危险性?
- This is important as exercise may reduce fracture risk later in life. 很重要的是运动可以减少未来生活中骨折的危险。
- Some studies suggest that too much protein heightens fracture risk, in part by causing calcium to leach from the bones. 有些研究显示过多的蛋白质使骨折发生的危险性增加,部分原因是蛋白质过多会导致骨骼脱钙。
- We assessed the effects of annual infusions of zoledronic acid on fracture risk during a 3-year period. 我们评估了在3年周期中,每年注射一次唑来膦酸对骨折风险的影响。
- In women not taking supplemental vitamin A, retinol from food was associated with 69% increase in fracture risk. 没有补充维生素A的女性,比经由食物获取视黄醇的患者股骨头骨折的发生危险要高69%25。
- The editorialist warns that longer-term follow-up of PSA levels and of fracture risk is needed. 这篇论文的作者提醒PSA浓度与骨折风险需要被长期追踪。
- Increased fracture risk, particularly in the hips and vertebrae, has been frequently described among patients on high-dose glucocorticoids. 骨折风险的增加,特别是髋骨和椎骨骨折的风险增加,在使用大剂量糖皮质激素的患者中经常见到。
- Increased fracture risk, particularly in the hips and ertebrae, has been frequently described among patients on high-dose glucocorticoids. 骨折风险的增加,特别是髋骨和椎骨骨折的风险增加,在使用大剂量糖皮质激素的患者中经常见到。
- He had several injuries, including three fractures. 他多处受伤,其中三处骨折。
- It's not yet known how the drugs affect women's fracture risk, or how significant the findings are for typical diabetes patients.Further research is underway, the drugmaker says. 目前还不知道这类药物如何增加女性骨折风险,也不知道这个发现对糖尿病患者有多大意义,进一步的研究正在进行中。
- But those who refilled their Actos or Avandia prescriptions eight times or more -- about 12 to 18 months of use -- had nearly twice the fracture risk of other patients. 但那些连续8次以上处方服用艾可拓或文迪雅,也就是服用12到18个月的患者,比起其他的患者骨折的危险性要高近一倍。
- A protectie effect was seen with physical actiity (HR: 0.40). Surgery or other medical treatments for endometriosis did not significantly influence fracture risk. 在体力活动活动中可以看出保护效应(HR为0.;40),对于子宫内膜异位外科手术或者其他医学治疗方法没有明显影响骨折的危险因素。
- In general, these drugs improve BMD, reduce fracture risk, and tend to normalize serum alkaline phosphatase and calcium homeostasis in hypermetabolic states (Table 2). 总的来说,这类药物可以提高骨矿物质密度、减少骨折风险并且可以纠正代谢亢进的血碱性磷酸酶及血钙水平。
- He will go to help them at all risks. 他要冒一切危险去帮助他们。
- Methods of bone mineral measur-ement have been widely used for the diagnosis of osteoporosis, the predicting fracture risk and monitoring bone changes over time. 许多骨密度测量方法已厂泛地用于骨质疏松的诊断、骨折危险性的预测和骨质变化的监测。
- Ben will at all risks get the bid. 班要冒着一切风险争取中标。
- Big game angling is not without its risks. 钓取大鱼并非没有危险。
- You can't get rich without taking risks. 人不冒险不富。
- Does All Risks include War Risk? 一切险也包括战争险吗?
- This is no way to prevent hip fractures. 这可不是防止髋骨骨折的好办法。