- Francine Shapiro 珊皮诺
- Francine worked her way out of Julian's grasp. 弗朗辛从朱利安搂她的胳膊中挣脱出来。
- Shapiro: Have you ever heard of Bayou Beavers? 沙皮罗:你听说过生长在河口的海狸吗?
- Ex:Judy's position has been filled by Francine. 例:茱蒂的职位已由法兰辛接任。
- Shapiro, Robert D.Friedberg, Karen K. 放大图片 作者: Jeremy P.
- Francine Decoursey Peggy Farrell John B. 主演:Adam Alphin Frank Capra Jr.
- But Shapiro says some of the alarm over Dolly had an important effect. 但是夏皮罗也认为,对多莉羊问题的某种惊恐具有一种重要的效应。
- Porter and the strategic conflict theory by Carl Shapiro. 一个认为竞争优势产生于企业之外,主要包括迈克尔·波特的竞争力理论和卡尔·夏皮罗的战略冲突理论。
- "Two little girls," Ennis said."Alma Jr. and Francine. “两个女儿,” 艾纳斯嘴角抽搐了一下。
- Shapiro said Meyer's quote was asymbol of pop culture success. 夏皮罗说,迈耶这句话是普罗文化胜利的象征。
- Francine Sommer: You are only as good as your deals. 多层次的联系网络由一般到特殊。
- D.Robb , Mark L.Taylor , Marcia Shapiro , Johnny Green Jr. 演员:Joshua Schaefer ;凯瑞.;拉塞尔/凯莉
- Harold Shapiro is a professor and former president of Princeton University. 哈罗德·夏皮罗是普林斯顿大学教授及前校长。
- FRANCINE KAUFMAN: "We were in the townships and people were overweight. FRANCINE KAUFMAN还称“我们到过许多城镇,那里的人们也超重。
- Francine: Listen.There are moments when life calls out for a change. 听着,有些时刻生活呼唤着需要有变化。
- L. G. Shapiro and G. C. Stockman, Computer Vision , Pretice Hall, 2000. 钟国亮;影像处理与电脑视觉;东华书局;民91.
- "Human beings ought never to be used as experi mental subjects," Shapiro says simply. 沙皮罗坦诚地说:“人类永远也不能被用于实验对象。”
- YAAKOV BENENSON and EHUD SHAPIRO began collaborating to build molecular automata in 1999. 班纳森和夏比洛从1999年开始合作设计分子自动机。
- "This is not going to end in 90 days," says Princeton University president Harold Shapiro. “这不会在叨天内结束。”普林斯顿大学校长说。