- Francis Xavier Ka Shui Pung 贾树彬(1944-),英国人,香港实业家。
- Prof. Charles Francis Xavier: Don't give up on them, Erik. 教授:不要放弃他们,艾瑞克。
- Prof. Charles Francis Xavier: Anonymity is the mutant's first defense against the world's hostility. 匿名是变态(变体)反对世界对其战争(意)的第一道防御。
- Francis Xavier's College, and I have participated in HKCEE and HKALE in 2003 and 2005 respectively. 本人亦曾参加红十字会的义工服务,从中培训出对小朋友亦有耐心及礼貌、尽责的态度。
- Kenny Mui, holds a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree from St Francis Xavier University of Canada and a Master of Business Administration Degree from Hong Kong Open University. 梅增荣,汉族,广东省人,1990年毕业于加拿大圣方济大学,获工商管理学士学位,2001年获香港公开大学工商管理硕士学位。
- Firstly, Francis Xavier and Alessandro Valignano who had adopted the mission methods of the Society of Jesus and created new stage for Christianity activity in China, are introduced. 沙勿略、范礼安等人在中国采取了耶稣会的传教策略,为基督教传华工作造就了新的环境。
- Ka Shui International Holdings Limited 嘉瑞国际控股有限公司,简称嘉瑞国际
- St. Francis Xavier School In Chinese 圣方济中文学校
- Ka me, ka thee- it is a proverb all over the world. 你帮我,我帮你——这是举世皆知的一句谚语。
- in 1542 some Portuguese reached it in a Chinese junk, and in 1549 a Jesuit missionary, Francis Xavier, began his teaching there. 1542年,一些葡萄牙人乘着中国式帆船到达日本; 1549年,一个耶稣会的传教士法朗西斯 - 沙忽略,开始在那儿传教。
- in 1542 some Portuguese reached it in a Chinese junk, and in 1549 a Jesuit missionary , Francis Xavier, began his teaching there. 1542年,一些葡萄牙人乘着中国式帆船到达日本;1549年,一个耶稣会的传教士法朗西斯-沙忽略,开始在那儿传教。
- St. Francis wanted to sanctify poverty, not to abolish it. 圣弗朗西斯想圣化贫困而不是消除它。
- Francis Xavier Ford 福尔德
- Daytime, children in Shui Zhongxi water. 白天,孩子们在水中嬉水。
- Francis Xavier Saint Francis XavierXavier
- Your parents believe in feng shui. 你父母信风水。
- Operator (of ka pay phone): Operator. 接线员(付费电话):接线员。
- Ford, Francis Xavier 福尔德
- I stop, and wait that Ka Chekai comes . 我停下来,等着卡车开过来。
- Donated by the Liu clan of Sheung Shui. 上水乡廖族捐赠。