- Was founded in the 19th century by two German political thinkers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. 现代共产主义是两位德国政治思想家马克斯和恩格斯在19世纪创建的。
- Friedrich Engels, close comrade-in-arms of Karl Marx, great leader of the world proletariat, was born at Barmen. 卡尔·马克思的亲密战友、世界无产阶级的伟大领袖弗里德里希·恩格斯诞生于巴门市。
- Karl Marx was born in Germany, and German was his native language. So it was with Friedrich Engels. 卡尔·马克思出生于德国,德语是他的母语。弗里德里希·恩格斯也是这样。
- Friedrich Engels even declared that the potatowas the equal of iron for its “historically revolutionary role”. 弗里德.;恩格斯甚至宣称马铃薯“历史性的革命作用”可以与铁相提并论。
- Friedrich Engels has predicated that the family will die out in the future of the human society, and the knowledge economy is induct it to this goal. 恩格斯曾经预言 ,家庭在人类社会的未来将走向消亡 ,知识经济正在引导家庭向这一目标前进
- A term for ideas developed in the works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels and later developments based on their thinking. 这一术语指的是在卡尔·马克思和弗里德里希·恩格斯的著作中提出,后来又在他们的见解的基础上得到发展的思想。
- Hunley,J.D.The Life and Thought of Friedrich Engels:A Reinterpretation. New Haven and London:Yale University Press,1991. 声明:1.;本网站为纯公益性学术网站,无任何商业目的。因部分文章来源于网络,如有侵权请来邮或来电告知;本站将立即改正。
- It is an essential prerequisite to study the core of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels' theory of law for the study of Marxist theory of law. 对马克思恩格斯法学理论内核的研究是进行马克思主义法律思想研究的必要前提。
- Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels held firmly to grasp the essence of indeed of human being on the basis of the nature of human being. 摘要立足于人的本性来把握人的需要的本质,这是马克思、恩格斯所一贯坚持的立场和方法。
- The city of Wuppertal in Northwestern Germany is the native place of the German philosopher Friedrich Engels (1820-1895) and also renowned for its amazing tram! 位于德国中北部的福本塔市是恩格斯的故乡,这个城市的电车很炫!
- In the works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels,it says that the individual full-scale development "is the development of one's abilities of all aspects.". 在马克思和恩格斯的著作中认为,个人全面发展"就是全面地发展自己的一切能力"。
- Friedrich Engels, however, predicted that women would be liberated from the "social, legal, and economic subordination" of the family by technological developments that made possible the recruitment of "the whole female sex into public industry". 却预测妇女们将被从家庭的"社会、法律和经济压迫"中解放出来,只是通过使得征召"整个女性阶层进入公共的工业中去"成为可能的技术进步的方式做到的。
- Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communist revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Workers of the world, unite. --- Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto. 让统治阶级在共产主义革命面前颤抖吧。无产者失去的只是锁链,赢得的将是整个世界。全世界工人们,联合起来。《共产党宣言》是一部如同散文诗一般的著作,辉煌的字句永垂青史。
- In the implementation of the resolutions,Friedrich Engels quality as a revolutionary proletarian leader,characterized by integrating unshakable principles with flexible tactics,was also conspicuous. 在决议贯彻过程中,也显示了恩格斯那种原则的坚定性与策略的灵活性相结合的革命风格。
- Philosophical approach expressed through the writings of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, and later by Georgy Plekhanov, Vladimir Ilich Lenin, and Joseph Stalin, the official philosophy of communism. 一种以马克思(Karl Marx)、恩格斯(Friedrich Engels)和后来的普列汉诺夫(Georgy Plekhanov)、列宁(Vladimir Ilich Lenin)、史达林(Joseph Stalin)等人的著作研究现实的哲学方法,为共产主义(communism)的正式哲学。
- the materialistic philosophy of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. 马克思和恩格斯的唯物主义。
- Friedrich Engels and the Theory of Sustainable Development 恩格斯与可持续发展理论
- the materialistic philosophy of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels 马克思和恩格斯的唯物主义
- On the New Development of Equality by Friedrich Engels 论恩格斯平等观的新发展
- Names for Future Society in Works of Karl marx and Friedrich Engels 准确把握马恩著作中未来社会名称的含义