- Front Gate of office Building 公司外景设计大楼正门
- Street gate is front gate of Siheyuan yard. 街门是四合院的大门。
- English: Street gate is front gate of Siheyuan yard. 中文: 街门是四合院的大门。
- There are strange numbers chalked up on the front gate of the house. 房子门前有陌生人来访记录。
- At 8am, we arrived at the front gate of the Namu Cuo natural preservation zone. 早上8点的时候,我们到达了纳木措自然保护区的大门。
- He showed us a model of the new office building. 他给我们看了新办公楼的模型。
- At midnight there were four guards at the front gate of prison 888,and there was one guard at the back gate. 午夜时分,888号监狱正门前有四个卫兵,还有一个卫兵守在后门。
- The National Emblem shall be hung right in the middle on top of the front gate of the organ concerned. 国徽应当悬挂在机关正门上方正中处。
- At the gate of the office building 在办公楼门口
- First I went to the information box of the side of the front gate of the chemical plant. 先我进去这化学工厂的大门,交涉于在工厂内部拍摄蒸汽机车。
- At midnight there were four guards at the front gate of prison 888, and there was one guard at the back gate. 午夜时分,888号监狱正门前有四个卫兵,还有一个卫兵守在后门。
- Particularly in some type of office building sales, Class B concept confusion, the small investors are easily misled. 尤其在一些销售型办公楼中,甲级乙级概念混淆,易使中小投资者受误导。
- Many years have passed, but we still vividly remember the excitement when we first entered the front gate of the USTC? 又是春天,科大已是春色满园。您是否还记得留下我们青春回忆的校园?是否还记得初见科大校园的情景。
- In before the large sheet of office building market clinchs a deal to be throwaway sale more. 在以往写字楼市场的大单成交多为散单销售。
- The golden characters on the front gate of the company is written in tablet script. 公司大门上的几个烫金大字是用魏碑体写的。
- PKU 2003-2004 Commendation Rally for Excellent Student Individuals and Exemplary Units was held in general hall of office building on Nov.30th. 11月30日于办公楼礼堂举行的一年一度的优秀个人先进集体表彰大会。
- The furniture of study or atelier can imitate the way of office building, choose the shake handshandle of concise Founder. 书房或工作室的家具可以模拟写字楼的做法,挑选简洁方正的拉手。
- I stepped into the front gate of it after getting off the bus,and all of a sudden,the justle and swelter was totally forgotten. 我下了车,走进天坛的大门。一刹那间,那公共汽车上的拥挤闷热全被忘却了。
- I wonder how he got voted out of office. 我不知道他是怎样被投票罢免的。