- Fruit volatile substances 果实挥发性物质
- The volatile substances of the fruit seeds in Annona squamosa was extracted with solvent,and analyzed by combined capillary gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. 用溶剂萃取法提取樟林番荔枝果实种子中的挥发性物质;测定出其挥发油质量分数为13.;3%25;
- Direct distillation extraction method (DDE) and simultaneous distillation extraction method (SDE) were used for extracting the volatile substances of fruit in Zizyphusjujuba Mill. 报道了用蒸馏萃取法和同时蒸馏萃取法提取酸枣果肉中挥发性物质;测得两种方法提取的酸枣果肉挥发油含量分别为1.;80%25和2
- Gas chromatography employ inert gas,commonly Nitrogen,to carry the volatile substances through the column. 气相色谱应用惰性的气体,通常是氮气,来携带挥发性物质通过色谱柱。
- After the garlic is crushed, allin is released, and when the allin decompound completely, Allicin is created.Allicin is a very volatile substances. 大蒜辣素是大蒜被粉碎后,蒜酶被释放出来,将蒜氨酸酶解,产生了大蒜辣素,大蒜辣素是非常不稳定的活性物质。
- The contents of the identified terpinenes and terpinene oxides made up 78.92% of the total volatile substances detected. 其中主要成分为萜类化合物;占总检出量的82.;48%25。
- The main components of volatile substances are acetophenone(72.29%), benzophenone(7.81%), butylated hydroxytoluene (4.85%). 结果表明普通水蒸气蒸馏萃取法提取的挥发油中主要含有苯乙酮(72.;29%25)、二苯酮(7
- Direct distillation extraction method(DDE) and simultaneous distillation extraction method(SDE) were used for extracting the volatile substances of dark green tea. 实验采用水蒸汽蒸馏-溶剂萃取法和同时蒸馏-萃取法提取黑茶中挥发性物质,测得用两种方法提取的黑茶挥发油含量分别为2。
- Dynamic head-space (purge and trap) injection systems include a sparging device by which volatile substances in solution are swept into an absorbent column maintained at a low temperature. 动态顶空(吹脱和补集)进样系统包含鼓泡装置,通过这个鼓泡装置,溶液中的挥发性物质进入维持低温的吸附柱中。
- Chemical Environment: There is no high corrosion volatile substance. 化学环境:无高腐蚀挥发物质。
- Fruit juices ferment if they are kept a long time. 果汁若是放置很久,就会发酵。
- In view of different volatile substance in beer, PEG column and FID (hydrogen flame ionization detector) were selected in the measurement. 针对啤酒酒中不同的挥发性物质可选择PEG柱和氢火焰离子化检测器(FID)法进行检测;
- The results appeared that in the different Remain Times (RT), the impactions of each operate-factor on the absorption of volatile substance in the SPME fiber varied. 在不同保留时间段,挥发性物质在萃取纤维上的吸附情况受到操作因素的影响不同。
- This product uses renewable resources, elaborately-made, no formaldehyde and other toxic volatile substance, no peculiar smell. 本产品利用可再生资源,精心打造,无甲醛等有毒挥发性物质,无异味。
- They netted the fruit trees to protect them from birds. 他们用网覆盖住果树以使其免遭鸟害。
- Qualitative Analysis of Volatile Substances from Lilac 紫丁香花挥发性物质定性分析
- He has a highly volatile personality. 他有着反复无常的个性。
- Analytic study on volatile substances of Turkish tobacco 土耳其香料烟挥发物的分析研究
- Half the fruit crop froze out in the sudden cold. 一半的水果作物在突如其来的寒流中被冻死。
- Several baskets of fruit were eaten at the party. 宴会上,大家吃掉了好几篮水果。