- Fujisawa Norio 藤泽令夫(1925-),日本人,哲学教授。
- Fujisawa pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 藤泽制药工业株式会社
- Students come from as far away as Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture. 学生最远的来自神奈川县的藤泽。
- The next day, she receives a message that her enemy is her former teacher, Fujisawa Kazuo. 第二天,她收到一条信息,告知她对手是前任老师藤泽和雄。
- "We must attempt to penetrate the difficult U.S. market before we go elsewhere," Fujisawa insisted. “我们必须设法进入美国市场的困难之前,我们去了别处,”藤泽坚持.
- Norio Nakazawa, Yoichiro, Eijiro Takao, Nobuaki Takeda.Development of a braking energy regeneration system for city buses [J] .SAE, 872265. 徐兵.;采用蓄能器的液压电梯变频节能控制系统研究
- A calf with a heart-shaped pattern on its forehead was born recently in Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture of Japan, just in time for Valentine's Day. 不久前,日本神奈川县藤泽市出生了一头小牛犊。这头小牛一身棕色,唯独额头正中有一个规则的白色心形图案,恰好与即将到来的牛年情人节气氛相吻合,成为媒体竞相追逐的对象。
- Miyaki M,Fujisawa H,Masuda A, et al. Development of new electronically controlled fuel injection system ECD-U2 for diesel engines[C]. SAE 910252. 杨杰民;郑霞君.;现代汽车柴油机电控系统[M]
- Nineteen-year-old ox “Heart”, born with a heart-shaped marking on his forehead, relaxes at Ya-makun farm in Fujisawa, Japan, Feb. 8, 2009. 2月8日,日本九州四岁的奶牛“爱心”在牛棚里休息,因额头上天生有一个白色的心形标记,“爱心”成为2009年的幸运牛。
- Nineteen-day-old ox, "Heart," born with a heart-shaped marking on his forehead, relaxes at a farm in Fujisawa, near Tokyo, Japan, Sunday, Feb. 8. 一出生时前额就有爱心形状记号的十九天大的公牛,“爱心”二月八日周日在靠近日本东京,藤泽的农场上休息。
- A calf with a heart-shaped pattern on its forehead was born recently in Fujisawa Kanagawa Prefecture of Japan just in time for Valentine's Day. 不久前,日本神奈川县藤泽市出生了一头小牛犊。
- Nineteen-day-old male ox Heart, born with a heart-shaped marking on his forehead, relaxes at Yamakun Farm in Fujisawa, near Tokyo, Japan on Sunday, Feb. 8, 2009. 19天的男牛心,以心生形额头上的标记,在Yamakun农场放宽了东京附近的藤泽市,日本,周日,2009年2月8日。
- Police in the city of Fujisawa, southwest of the capital, said they were investigating the incident and suspected the powder may have been a fire extinguishing agent. 位于首都西南方的藤泽市的警方说,他们正在调查这起事件,并怀疑这些粉末可能是消防灭火剂。
- Yoshihiro Takeuchi, Kazuhiro Fujiki, Norio Tsubokawa. Preparation of amphiphilic carbon black by postgrafting of polyethyleneimine to grafted polymer chains on the surface[J].Polymer Bulletin, 1998, 41: 85?90. 坪川纪夫著,田水译.;疏水性高分子与炭黑表面亲水性接枝高分子的二次接枝反应及该炭黑的分散性[J]
- japans next top model - FUJISAWA MIHO - DEBUT dvdrip 2007-05-16 697 MB 语言:简体中文软件类型:国产软件授权方式:免费软件推荐值:
- Takashi Nishikata, Yasunori Yamamoto, Norio Miyaura, Prof. Dr. * Division of Molecular Chemistry, 首页----期刊主要分类----期刊细介绍----期刊题录与文摘----期刊详细文摘内容
- Norio Komuro:US Anti-circumvention Measares and GATT Rules,Journal of World Trade,Vol.28,No.3,1994 郑玲丽.反规避措施合法性剖析及对中国的启示[J].世界贸易组织动态与研究,2003,(6)
- Yoshimass Matsura,Norio Nakazawa,Yoshito Kobayashi.Effects of Various Methods for Improving Vehicle Startability and Transient Response of Turbocharged Diesel Trucks.SAE920044 龚振清.;车用柴油机可变截面涡轮增压器控制系统研究
- 1950 Honda's savvy business partner, Takeo Fujisawa, advocates the move to four-stroke engines. 1950年本田的精明的商业合作伙伴,武雄藤泽,主张迁往四冲程发动机.
- Norio 诺里奥