- Though similar in structure, the EBF network differs from the well-known radial basis function (RBF) network by incorporating full covariance matrices and uses the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm to estimate the basis functions. 在保留RBF3层网络结构基础上,EBF采用了最大期望算法来估计特征空间的混合密度分布参数,用椭球体集合来分解混合密度分布,从而构造了神经网络的中间层基函数的状态。
- Though they are similar in structure, the EBF network differs from the well-known radial basis function (RBF) network by incorporating full covariance matrices and uses the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm to estimate the basis functions. 在保留 RBF三层网络结构基础上 ,EBF采用了 EM算法来估计特征空间的混合密度分布参数 ,用椭球体集合来分解混合密度分布 ,从而构造了神经网络的中间层基函数的状态。
- Full Covariance Matrix 全协方差矩阵
- By averaging the previous results, a new covariance matrix is obtained.It is a full rank matrix. 对其进行平均后,所得到的相干信号协方差矩阵具有满秩性。
- When the observation noise is temporal correlation, Kalman Filter will not be able to achieve optimization, and its covariance matrix will be wrong. 在观测噪声不满足时间不相关的假设情况下,卡尔曼滤波将达不到最优滤波效果,并且其误差协方差阵也是错误的。
- DFT is used to estimate the covariance matrix of downlink channel of the path, not calculating DOA. 在不求出DOA的情况下,采用离散傅里叶变换来估计该路径下行信道协方差矩阵。
- Fault detection and classification (FDC) via sample covariance matrix is thus very important. 因此,对于共变异矩阵的错误侦测与鑑别(FDC)也越来越重要。
- Realized covariance matrix is a new measurement of the volatility and correlation of portfolio. 摘要“已实现”协方差矩阵是对投资组合波动性及相关性的一种全新的度量方法。
- The algorithm uses the sub-block of covariance matrix which is not affected by noise to estimate the parameters of DOA. 使用该算法和两平行均匀线阵可实现二维来波方向的快速估计。
- By analyzing the weighted covariance matrix of a local neighborhood, its least-squares plane was estimated. 对局部邻域进行加权协方差分析,估计出该部域的最小二乘拟合平面。
- The FIVAR model based on realized covariance matrix is good basis of studying co-persistence. 针对“已实现”协方差阵建立的FIVAR模型为进一步研究波动的协同持续性提供了基础。
- A new online coupled algorithm for PCA and MCA which can simultaneously extract the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the covariance matrix with coupled iterations is obtained. 给出能同时得到主成分分析或小成分分析所要求的特征值和特征向量的实时算法。
- With the characters of covariance and pseudo covariance matrix combined, the cost function feeds more useful information into the algorithm. 由于充分利用了非正则复向量不相关的特性,获得了更多有用的信息量,因此算法的收敛速度更快、提取效果更好,并且在线方式下算法更加稳定。
- The observation covariance matrix is a important factor of influence on navigation precision in position potential navigation. 在进行位置势导航滤波时,观测值的方差阵是影响导航滤波精度的重要因素。
- First, the colored noise covariance matrix is estimated, and at the same time, the primary estimations of the sensor positions and DOA are achieved. 该算法首先估计色噪声相关矩阵,同时对阵元位置和信源DOA作初步估计;
- The variabilities and complex relationships of semiconductor equipment variables can be characterized by the sample covariance matrix. 摘要:半导体制程的讯息不仅反映在平均值,也会反映在共变异矩阵之中。
- Simulation results show that due to the errors the rank of the covariance matrix will increase and the SINR performance will descend. 实验结果表明:滤波器相频响应误差会使自相关矩阵的秩增加、SINR性能下降。
- For the constraint system of covariance matrix being uncertain, a robust moving horizon estimation (MHE) strategy is discussed. 摘要针对噪声方差不确定的约束系统,讨论了一种鲁棒滚动时域估计(MHE)方法。
- There are obvious differences between the variance-covariance matrix estimated by tile two methods and by the usual pre-test covariance matrix. 结果两种方法估计的方差-协方差阵都与常用的先验协方差阵有明显区别;