- Functional disorders are caused by certain suggestions getting into the subconsciousness and remaining there. (身体机能的紊乱完全是由潜意识中的想法使然。
- Then as the evidence piled up, they grudgingly admitted that nervous troubles and even functional disorders might be cured by mind. 但是当他们看到能证明这种观点的证据如雨后春笋般出现的时候,他们才勉强承认通过意识思想可以治愈一些精神方面的疾病和某些生理机能失调。)
- The oasis of all functional disorders is in the mind, though the manifestation be dyspepsia, melancholia, palpitation of the heart, or any one of a hundred others. 这些机能紊乱生存的温床就是人的意识思想,尽管它们表现出的是消化不良、精神抑郁、心悸或者其它上百种症状之一。
- Do not over eating and drinking or hunger, hunger this uneven eating habits will cause abnormal secretion of digestive juice, resulting in liver function disorders. 不要暴饮暴食或饥饿,这种饥饿不匀的饮食习惯,会引起消化液分泌异常,导致肝脏功能的失调。
- Among them, coagulation disorders are specially complicated by uremia, hypothermia, immune suppression drugs, and liver function disorder etc. 其中,凝血功能障碍的原因更是错综复杂,影响因素包括尿毒症、术中低温、免疫抑制剂应用、肝功能异常等。
- functional disorders of platelet 血小板功能障碍性疾病
- functional disorders of diaphragm 膈功能紊乱
- Functional disorders of the digestive system 胃肠神经官能症
- Upper Gastrointestinal Functional Disorders 上消化道功能性疾病
- In severe cases occur hypotension or shock, pleural effusion, hemorrhoea, epilepsy, cerebral functional disorder. 重症患者出现低血压或休克、胸腔积液、大出血、癫痈发作、脑功能紊乱。
- Conclusion TDP, electrotherapy and bonesetting massage is an effective pattern for the cervical spondylopathy of functional disorder to the joints. 结论 TDP、电针加正骨推拿是关节功能紊乱型颈椎病实用有效的治疗模式。
- It has therapeutic efficacy to some diseases, such as the shortage of limbus corneae stem cells and function disorder. 对于以角膜缘干细胞缺乏或功能障碍为特征的疾病也有治疗效果。
- Unilatral matication is the more common masticatory function disorder in clinic. 偏侧咀嚼是临床上较为常见的一种咀嚼功能异常。
- Forty-six cases of metrorrhagia of functional disorder were treated with Yishen Guchong Decoction(YGD) for 30 days,the treatment period was 10 days. 采用益肾固冲煎治疗功能失调性子宫出血46例,10天1个疗程,连用3个疗程。
- Among disabled patients, the functional disorder of upper limbs paralyses is fairly common, and it is very difficulty for patients to recover from it. 因而对脑梗死上肢功能障碍的治疗一直是临床研究的难点和热点。
- Conclusion:With protration and recovery of CVD,the function disorder of H-P-A has reversibility. 结论:CVD时,随病程延长、病症好转,H-P-A机能紊乱具有可逆性;
- Background: Achalasia is the functional disorder of primary esophageal motility, and one of its treatments is pneumatic dilatation therapy. 摘要背景:贲门失弛缓症是原发性食管运动功能障碍性疾病,气囊扩张术是目前治疗本病的主要方法之一。
- TME with helix Hydro-Jet is fairly effective for decreasing postoperative temporary excretive function disorder. 结论应用螺旋水刀行直肠癌全直肠系膜切除术,分离术野清晰、出血少、不易损伤自主神经,尤其对于降低术后暂时性排尿功能紊乱方面有非常明显的效果。
- Physiologically functional disorder caused by apoplexy directly influences the quality of the sufferer s life,especially when the person is suffering from hemiplegia. 中风后所致的功能障碍直接影响患者的生活质量,其中偏瘫对患者日常生活影响尤为严重。
- Objective:To explore the effect and reliability of hesteroscopic endometrectomy with spot electric coagulation to treat metrorrhagia of functional disorder. 目的:探讨子宫镜子宫内膜切除术加点状烧灼电凝术治疗功血的效果及其安全性。